A after a has dominoes fell over the end around the Us president Donald Trump. Several people, until a short time ago was among the president’s very closest, are now in jail or waiting to get their judgment.

It has come as a result of the ongoing Russia-the investigation, led by former FBI chief Robert Mueller. An investigation that does not show any signs to be done to come up with new serious discoveries.

After a long series of disclosures in recent weeks, it has become increasingly evident that every little nook of the us president’s life is being investigated with a magnifying glass. The white house, Trump-the campaign, the transition period, the president’s arrangementskomité and Trumps private companies are all on the menu.

The alleged Russian agent Maria (30) will cooperate with the united STATES – crisis Management daily

Increasingly points out that Mueller-the investigation comes closer to president Trump.

– To be president is like drinking from a fire hose. Crisis management is the daily, ” says Hilmar Mjelde, united STATES-know and a postdoctor at the Department of information and media studies at the University of Bergen.

– In Trumps presidency, it is still an unusual amount of what in research is called “mediekriser” – where the media and the opposition define something that happens as a crisis. But the Mueller report, when it comes, can be a real crisis. First and foremost political, but it can also trigger the legal, constitutional questions where statsgrenene barker together. Especially if Trump refuses to let him interrogate the of Mueller. We can get a constitutional crisis that challenges the political stability in the united STATES, he continues.

WILL SPEAK WITH the TRUMP: special investigator Mueller investigating possible ties between the Trumps valgkampapparat and Russia. Photo: Larry Downing / Reuters / NTB scanpix Show more Of my similar

“Over my corpse” is the answer Donald Trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani brings on the question whether the president will allow himself to interrogate the of the special investigator Mueller.

Trump is hardly deposited at’s impeachment Debate

The only question that remains for the president is about some unpaid parkeringsbøter from 1986 or 1987, ” said a sarcastic Giuliani, who called Muellers team “a joke”.

special investigator Mueller investigating possible ties between the Trumps valgkampapparat and Russia. His staff has repeatedly tried to get an interview with the president. If the president formally rejects a intervjuforespørsel, Mueller in theory bring Trump to court in an attempt to force the president’s testimony, writes NTB.

JAWS: The us president Donald Trump met the media for the first time after mellomvalget in the united STATES. As CNNs Jim Costa got the microphone, it was suddenly a completely different temperature on the press conference. Video: CNN Show more – Will revolt

As late as last week was Trump’s former attorney and fixes, Michael Cohen, sentenced to three years in prison for offences directly related to Trump.

the President keeps at his side stuck by that the whole thing is a witch hunt, led by the Democrats. Wednesday last week also denied the Trump that he was worried about to be be impeached.

– I’m not worried about no. I think the people will revolt if it were to happen, he said in an interview with the news agency Reuters.

Trumps perception of it among other things, he reviews as a “WITCH hunt!”, “FRAUD!” and “PERSECUTION!”, came once again evident Sunday night, when the president thundered in the habitual show on Twitter:

Accused for offence after tweet

“Remember, Cohen was a squeal only after that the FBI did something that is completely unthinkable and unheard of until heksejakten was started illegally. THEY BROKE INTO A ADVOKATS OFFICE!”

– ashamed

Trump, ignoring apparent that it was not to talk about any burglaries, but that the FBI raided the Cohens home, office and hotel rooms – where they confiscated large quantities of documents and computer files. Some of these documented payments made to the former pornostjerna Stormy Daniels.

All of this also happened with a search warrant that was issued by a federal judge, at the request of special investigator Robert Mueller.

Former FBI chief James Comey, who was the man who led Russia to the investigation until he was fired by just Trump, react strongly to the president’s statements.

This comes from our president, who is lying about the lawful execution of a search warrant approved by a federal judge. Republicans not taking a stand for the FBI, for the rule of law and for the truth, should be ashamed, tvitret Comey in the night.

Claims Trump attended the hysjpengemøte – Unreasonable criticism

despite the fact that Trump has thundered loudly the last few weeks, believe Mjelde that Trump has been “steadily over the very aggressive since the beginning”.

It is due to that the controversy surrounding spesialetterforskningen stands partly in public, partly in the legal system. Trump and Guiliani is trying to discredit Mueller, so that half of america does not accept the report, when it comes. And have succeeded with it, even if the criticism against Mueller is unreasonable, in the large and whole, ” he says.

Michael Cohen railed against Trump in court

Mjelde also believe Trump has good reason to be more concerned.

-Now it is the federal etterforskningsavsnittet in New York, regardless of Mueller, who believes Trump has been involved in a violation of the law. It is the country’s most respected investigators, who sits on solid evidence before they can accuse anyone. Trump may get trouble after he goes off, he believes.

– The biggest danger

Although the road to a potential’s impeachment against the president is still long, believe Mjelde there are signs that the road has been shorter the last time.

It seems as if Mueller is preparing an argument that Trump has hindered the judicial process. Such an accusation is legally often more dangerous than the underlying offense, ” he says and adds:

The greatest danger as of now in legal terms is that Trump may be accused of having covered up a violation of law, that this with valgkampfinansiering. I mean he’s not in danger of having kicked Comey, because the constitution’s article 2 gives him the right to dismiss employees for any reason at any time.

Call Stormy Daniels for “Hestetrynet” and offers up to trouble

Mjelde indicates that it must reveal a serious crime, before the u.s. president may be’s impeachment.

– It is a necessary, but not sufficient reason to’s impeachment. Congress must also use political discretion here. But the legal criterion must be met before the policy assessment considered.

– He is sitting

Mjelde think, however, Trump sits safely out his term.

– He’ll be sitting, unless the Mueller puts forth anything that can give a bipartisan majority in the Congress’s impeachment. He can not be prosecuted as a sitting president, and he will not be fields in’s impeachment for a valgkampfinans offence. He has an extraordinary legal protection as the president, and I have not seen anything yet that can trap him. He can get political trouble, but not legally, where we stand today, he believes.

AUDIO: CNN sent secret audio recordings where Trump discusses to buy the rights to the Playboy model’s history. Video: CNN Show more This is revealed:

the Russian federation-the investigation is complicated, but a straightforward review from the Axios shows the most important of which currently is known about the relations between Russia and the Trump camp:

Several Russian officials approached a dozen people very close to Trump. This includes, among other things, Trump’s son, his closest adviser, his lawyer and valgkampsjefen his.Russia offered valgkampassistanse. None in the circle around the Trump notified the FBI about this attempt to influence elections.Twelve Russian intelligence officers are charged with having hacked the Democratic nasjonalkomité and systematically publish material via Wikileaks with the aim to damage Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.Trump’s backers Roger Stone and Jerome corsi is was in contact with Wikileaks. The two are now under investigation for whether they showed about the publication of the Democratic e-mails before it happened.Donald Trump junior and other key Trump-staff met with the russians in the summer of 2016 after promises to get damaging information on Hillary Clinton.Trump negotiated for a lucrative real estate project in Moscow during presidential election campaigns. This he lied about and kept hidden from the public eye.American intelligence believes completely unanimous that Russia attempted systematically to influence the us elections.Trump employees continued to talk with the Russian authorities after the elections and before the Trump was sworn in. Both his in-law Jared while I and when the attorney general Jeff Sessions failed first, to provide information about the contact they had with the russians.Trumps valgkampsjef, Paul Manafort, lied about his contact with Russia, was charged and now have to zone a prison sentence.Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, lied about his contact with the russians, got fired and was charged. Since he has chosen to collaborate with the Muellers etterforskningsteam.Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, lied about his contact with the russians. He was charged with. Now he collaborates with the Mueller-the investigation and is a nøkkelvitne against Trump.Trump even calls constantly investigation a “witch hunt” and denies having done anything wrong.