U.S. President Donald Trump is threatening to Mexico with a soon-to-be border closing first, with the imposition of car duties. The Mexican government needs to stop both migrants wanted in the United States, as well as drugs that would be smuggled into the United States.

Trump continued to Mexico for a period of one year. If Mexico had not done up to then appropriate steps, “then we are going to show their cars with customs duties,” he said on Thursday at the White house in Washington. “If that doesn’t work, we will close the border.”

Trump added: “I’m going to do. I don’t play games.” Trump had originally threatened to close already this week, the border if the Mexican government is strengthening its crackdown on illegal immigrants wanted by the country in the USA. On Tuesday he had asked the U.S. Congress to promptly Reform the migration laws and other threatened, if again with the closure of the border.

security is more important to me than trade

The 3200-Kilometer-long border between the United States and Mexico is one of the busiest in the world. A closure would entail for both countries, with severe economic consequences. Trump had admitted on Tuesday that a border closure “will have a negative impact on the economy”. But he also said: “security is more important to me than trading.” In February, Trump had to call a national state of emergency on the border, he wants to leave a controversial wall to build. (nlu/sda)

Created: 04.04.2019, 20:08 PM