Donald Trump has turned, surprisingly, in the debate to find a solution to the conflict between Kosovo and Serbia. In a letter to the Kosovan head of state, Hashim Thaci, Trump wrote that he is very pleased with the ongoing efforts for reconciliation with Serbia. To not take advantage of this unique opportunity would mean, according to Trump a tragic setback. A new opportunity for a consensual peace is not going to arise so quickly. Kosovo was a crucial Partner “in our efforts” for peace and stability in Europe, the US President.

Trump appeals to the political leaders of Kosovo, to speak at the search for a negotiated solution with one voice. An agreement is within reach, says Trump. He was pleased that the heads of state of Kosovo and Serbia into the White house invite to celebrate the historic agreement. The United States would support an agreement, which take into account the interests of both sides. Thus, the US President says, according to observers in Pristina, a land swap, the Thaci with the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic for several months of secret negotiations.

Officially and euphemistically speaks of a “boundary correction”. Therefore, Belgrade will get the majority of Serbs inhabited Kosovo North Kosovo would be compensated in return with a couple of Albanian-populated towns in southern Serbia. Trumps the letter bears the signature of his security adviser, John Bolton. This did not exclude the possibility in the summer of territorial adjustments in the Balkans. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 19.12.2018, 11:50 PM