trump’s former lawyer, Cohen is regarded as an important figure in the Russia-investigation by special investigator Mueller. Now by the President as a “rat” Scolded in front of the US Congress is willing to testify.

The former lawyer of the US President, Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, will testify next month before the U.S. Congress. Cohen will at a public meeting at 7. February answer, stated, that of the U.S. Democrat-controlled oversight panel in the house of representatives. Cohen said in a statement that he accepted the invitation for the hearing in order to cooperate “and to answer to the American people”.

Cohen is regarded as an important figure in the Russia-investigation by special investigator Robert Mueller about the possible Connections of trump’s campaign team to Moscow. It is also important in investigations of prosecutors in New York to violations of campaign financing in connection with the hush money payments to a Porn actress and a former playboy Playmate, in their own statements, had Sex with Trump. Prosecutors accuse Trump, to have these payments made during the election campaign of 2016, is arranged. Trump denies Affairs with women had.

Trump is carefree

Cohen has added in two investigations, a debt. He was sentenced in December to three years ‘ imprisonment, including for violations of party financing. Trump denies misconduct and is trying to take Cohen’s statements importance, by representing him as a liar.

Trump showed Cohen’s announcement unimpressed.

On the question of reporters said Cohen’s appearance at the hearing Trump, he’ll make “no Worries”. Last month, he had insulted his former Familiar as a “rat”, the Federal police authority in the FBI to help in their “witch-hunt”.

Cohen accused, in turn, Trump, to have not told the truth. In an Interview after his conviction he said: “In the Trump organization, nothing has happened, what has not gone on Trumps Desk.” He, Cohen, was loyal to have been someone who don’t deserve loyalty.