In the US Congress has begun a much-anticipated Marathon questioning of Michael Cohen, the former Prosecutor and Ausputzers of U.S. President Donald Trump ,. According to the media were from the Cohen report to expect a highly-charged statements.
Cohen was interviewed on Tuesday for eight hours in Congress. The hearing before the intelligence Committee of the Senate took place behind closed doors. Senators wanted to then make no concrete information to Cohen’s statements.
The 52-year-old Trump-confidant, self-expressed satisfaction with the survey. He got the opportunity, things are almost back, and “to tell the truth,” said Cohen. “And I’m looking forward to tomorrow, with my voice of the American people, my story to tell. And I’m going to let the Americans decide who is telling the truth.”
In the three days of hearings by three successive committees should, among other things, to the affair to Russia-Links to the Trump team, the hush money for alleged previous sex partners of the President, as well as Trumps financial ratios.
Live on TV
Only part of the hearings should be open to the public. The voltage of the Public focused on his appearance on Wednesday before the oversight Committee of the house of representatives, which will be broadcast live on television. Finally, a re-examination of Cohen’s follows on Thursday behind closed doors, in front of the intelligence Committee of the house of representatives.
The tension was fuelled by Cohen’s own lawyer Lanny Davis, the “terrifying” statements about Trump announced. The “Wall Street Journal” reported, citing a source from Cohen’s environment, this’ll blame Trump for the first time publicly of criminal behavior in the President. The “Washington Post” quoted a source familiar with the announcement, Cohen wanted to talk about “lies, racism and fraud.”
white house accuses Cohen of lies before
Cohen had worked ten years for the Trump group and still less than two years ago said that he would throw for Trump “in the line of fire”. Meanwhile, he stands with the President on war foot.
For the deeds which he had committed in large part in connection with his work for Trump, was sentenced Cohen in December by a New York court to three years in prison. The penalty for perjury in previous statements to the Congress, as well as tax and financial offences must compete Cohen in may.
The White house accused him of already in the run-up to the current hearings, the Congress once again to lie to. It was “sad” that Cohen can get another opportunity “to spread his lies,” said presidential spokeswoman Sarah Sanders. Your Statement it spread from Vietnam, where Trump to his second summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was. Cohen’s statement is likely to distract the attention of the American Public is to a large part of the summit in Hanoi.
Trump in the crass
Because the lawyer has brought Trump already with his previous statements in considerable difficulties. So, he admitted, for example, Congress earlier about the Trump group pursued – and ultimately realized – to have a project of a high-rise tower in Moscow lied to. The project was pursued, therefore, much longer and with greater personal involvement Trumps as the original from Cohen stated.
The lawyer brought Trump for his statements about hush money payments to two alleged former sex partners Trumps in trouble. He said, to have these payments on behalf of Trumps. In its judgment against Cohen, the court saw in these payments law the election campaign financing illegal.
According to the “Wall Street Journal” refers to the statement from Cohen to allegedly illegal behavior of the President in office to the payment to the porn actress Stormy Daniels. Since this money was already gone shortly before the presidential election in 2016, announced in a statement, possibly to Try to disguise the circumstances of the payment in arrears.
According to the source cited Cohen wanted to present documents to trump’s financial circumstances and explain that the real estate Mogul for tax avoidance, have sometimes twisted the Numbers to his assets. Also Cohen wool reports of racist remarks Trumps on African-Americans. Trump has referred to his former confidence man as a “rat” – a word choice used by the Mafia for traitor. (chk/sda)
Created: 27.02.2019, 04:18 PM