the role of The American Minister of justice cannot be overestimated in its importance. The Attorney General is the top law enforcers of the Nation, he conducted a massive apparatus of investigators, prosecutors and various public authorities. His independence from the President is a prerequisite for the integrity of his office.

that’s Why Richard Nixon’s Minister of justice Elliot Richardson resigned, instead of dismissing the Watergate special Prosecutor, Archibald Cox, as the President requested. And that is why George W. Bush’s Minister of justice John Ashcroft, in 2004, refused to consent to the far-reaching Surveillance of American citizens by the Bush administration.

The justice Minister held up the final report of special investigator Mueller aware of that.

Donald trump’s Attorney General William Barr, it is not the case, however, so His hearing before the legal Affairs Committee of the Senate on Wednesday showed once more that Barr should be understood primarily as a lawyer and sweeper to the President. It is now undisputed that the Minister of justice to interpret the final report from Russia-special investigator Robert Mueller deliberately held back, and the resulting time spent to the benefit of Trumps.

Barr “turned” Mueller’s Report in such a way that the President of the truth was contrary to the claim that he had been fully exonerated. In the course of this action, Barr also led the Congress behind the light: From the objections of Robert Mueller’s against his actions, nothing was known to him, he claimed, although a letter from the special investigator was that this about Barr’s strange interpretations of the Reports.

Its the credibility of the judiciary has lost the Minister for a long time.

As bad weighs that Barr will now lead the oversight of investigations in New York and Washington against Donald Trump’s pending. Credibility of the judiciary has lost the Minister for a long time. His behavior and Trumps walls against a variety of studies of the Congress of Democrats could lead to a political crisis, as Washington has in decades.

Barr should withdraw from his office or from the Congress, Democrats are accused of. As Minister of justice, he became intolerable. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 01.05.2019, 19:39 PM