The Meeting in the White house on Sunday afternoon seems to be not planned. It is unclear who has asked domestic security Minister Kirstjen Nielsen or US President Donald Trump. A few hours later in any case, one thing is for sure: It was probably the last Meeting of the two in their respective positions. Trump announced in the Washington evening that Nielsen is leaving her Post. Shortly afterwards, published by Nielsen, your letter of Resignation.

a personnel dispute. On Friday, Trump had pulled surprisingly the nomination of Ronald Vitiello as Director of immigration and customs enforcement (ICE). Vitiello had already taken the first hurdle in his confirmation process in the Senate. It still lacked the approval of the judiciary Committee and the final vote in the Senate.

Nielsen had supported him, he was your candidate. Two weeks ago, but you should be according to U.S. media, have been notified that Trump Vitiello does not want to have on the Item. Nielsen has pressed in vain against this announcement. On Friday, Trump then declared that he wanted the ICE is going much tougher against illegal Immigration.

Trump and Nielsen will not be able to work together. That was the day, felt, as she succeeded in mid-October of 2017, their Mentor John Kelly in the office. Trump had made him in the summer of the same year, to his chief of staff. At that time there was already plenty of criticism of Nielsen. At the age of 44, she was the youngest of the six Secretary of Homeland security, a position after the terrorist attacks of September 11. September 2001 was created.

Nielsen was considered too inexperienced for the important Post, it had previously held other leadership positions in the government. She was a consultant, chief of Staff under Kelly in the Ministry, short-term, also under Kelly, Deputy chief of Staff in the White house. But this is something else, than to lead a mammoth authority with 240’000 employees in 22 Federal agencies and a Budget of 40 billion dollars.

had Not used creatively enough for Trump

Kelly be strong for you, Trump had listened to him. But trust, he wanted her. You will not be able to afford to learn the Job on the Job, Trump said, when he nominated you for the Post. For every bad message on the broad field of immigration policy he made after that, Nielsen personally responsible. Of course on Twitter, so that everybody noticed. As a boss, it applies first of all to endure.

Nielsen made it clear that they supported trump’s Agenda. However, Trump accused her again and again, to counter the alleged migration crisis on the southern border creative enough. They had shown very involved. Together with the then Minister of justice Jeff Sessions, she developed the Plan to bring everyone before the court, crossing the border without permission. This led to a huge increase of detainees, including mothers and fathers.

however, Because the U.S. law allows children to be permanently locked up, separated thousands of families. The parents were behind bars, the children, part of babies and small children, were brought to the country in emergency equipment. This has led to a social Outcry. Trump was in June last year forced to end the policy of family separation officially. But until today, the government is struggling to unite at the time, separated children reunited with their parents.

at the Latest after the Disaster, Nielsen seemed to be a response to shut down. Hard against illegal immigrants to the immigrants, Yes, but in the context of the laws. Nielsen’s authorities experimented holes then on your behalf with all sorts of legal shelter to as many as possible immigrants away.

but the Trump success. In the past few months, the number of detained immigrants grew at the border to Mexico in a Ten-year record. But at the same time, the number of people seeking their salvation in the USA increased.

Trump was not enough. In the process, Nielsen was able to it is actually little, more and more people decide to escape from the growing Distress in their South American home countries.

Nielsen thought it was amazing long

For Nielsen, it was getting harder and harder to keep in the office. Once before, in may of 2018, she had written a resignation letter, after Trump had read in a Cabinet meeting and the Levites. At the time, but they still had John Kelly in the White house and Secretary of defense James Mattis as allies. Both were fired by Trump at the end of 2018. It was then only a matter of time, when Nielsen had to go. For this, she has to keep it amazing.

For the Democrats is the withdrawal of Nielsen not a good sign. “If even the most radical voices of the government Trump, are not radical enough for the President then he has completely lost contact with the American people,” says the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer.

The office will initially be Kevin McAleenan, currently head of the customs and border protection Agency CBP. Trump tweeted that he was “convinced that Kevin will do a great Job.” The decision has surprised the Department of homeland security apparently some. In the ranking actually currently the Executive Deputy Secretary Elaine Duke should have.

McAleenan is also regarded not just as a brawler. He is risen under Barack Obama in the highest levels of authority, which he directs since the beginning of 2017. And is true under Republicans as Democrats, as a prudent head. It is a mystery whether he can convince Trump to take over the office permanently. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 08.04.2019, 08:04 PM