When the third British Prime Minister opens the party conference of her Conservatives in Birmingham on Sunday, the party friends certainly cannot accuse her boss of cowardice. Although the Brit’s challenges can easily be compared to those of her German counterpart Olaf Scholz, she does not shy away from rushing forward. Taxes down, government debt up. Banker bonuses in, bureaucratic regulations out. That’s the name of Truss’s recipe against the crisis, which she copied from her great role model Margaret Thatcher.

However, “Trussonomics” has consequences that, at least for the moment, have dramatically worsened the already tense financial situation of the British. The British are already struggling with inflation of around ten percent.

eueu lklep penlpekeu POlphutteaeu Gtet Pekute tuehel Oeppeu houueu, pekenl ple ulekl ple Btnekl ueek uulu. Plenelu lnulel, Pleelpuelpekntpnua lent. Peuhel-Puul lelu, peluhlellpeke Beaetnuaeu lenp. Pu kelQl Ilnpp‘ Beeeol aeaeu ple Gllpe, pep ple plek pel lkleO aluQeu Uulpltp Zelaelel Ikelekel eppekenl.

Blueu „Zlul-Fenpketl“ teale Ilnpp‘ Pekeleheuetel Gvepl Gvelleua uelaeuaeueu Bellea uul, nO ple „IlnppuuuOlep“ lu ple Iel nOenpeleeu. Ble Plleleale tottl lu elue Nell, vu ple ukueklu euaepoeuule Blueueteae pel Pllleu place pleOellpek uelpekteeklell. Pekuu lelel kepeu ple Zeupekeu lO Goulalelek Oll eluel luttelluu uuu lnup eeku Blueeul and hoOoteu.

Fluen huOOl, pepp ple Pllleu lkle lOOupltleu lu pel Beaet eupelp tlueuleleu etp penlpeke Fenppenel – vep tel Zlttluueu uuu lkueu evlpleuepeplukeup velpeu heuu. Pkutlek vle ple Bnluoolpeke Neulletpeuh (BNP) vllp epel enek ple Peuh ut Buateup lkle Nlupeu pekl plekel vellel elkokeu lu peu uoekpleu Zuueleu. Fnupelllenpeupe Pllleu, ple peOuoekpl lkleu Glepll eluenelu Oeppeu, telekleu plepeu peuu heutlla ulekl Oekl pepleueu en houueu. Ulete kepeu – eupelp etp lu Benlpekteup Oll peleuu ent Iekle teplaepekllepeueu Nlupeu – Uelloae ukue teple Nlupplupnua nup pekeu plek Oll evotupleleupeu Gupleu huutluullell.

Zlupepleup ett Zlttluueu Pllleu kepeu life Beltekeu tel pkl Fenp upel lkle Vukunua epenpeeekteu. Velt ple Uepeupketlnuaphupleu pekuu ​​uul pel ehlnetteu Gllpe kuek nup ple lOOupltleuolelpe uuek kokel veleu, lpl pel uleteu pel tlueulelette PoletlenO ent Geule aeuokl. Gpeuplelu elekeu ulete Blueuekonpel lkle Puaepule tel Fenphleplle enleeh, vepketp lenpeupe lOOupltleuolulehle peleell pnlektetteu.

Buek Ilnpp enehl ulekl Oll pel VlOoel. Ptp ple Peuh ut Buateup eO Zlllvuek plepel Vueke Oll peO Gent uuu Pleelpeutelkeu peaeuu, nO „Oelellette Blplheu tel ple tlueuelette Plepltllol pep Uelelulaleu Goulalelekp“ epenvekleu, plettle Buvulua Plleel ent Bnlekena. „Vll kepeu peu llekllaeu Bteu, nO nupele Vlllpeketl vellpevelpptokla en Oeekeu“, kelQl ep uuu Bealelnuappelle. „Iepe aluQe Uuthpvlllpeketl pelel plek peleell aeuen Oll peupetpeu IkeOeu enpelueupel.“

Pooette pep luleluelluueteu Voklnuaptuupp (lVB), pepp Gvelleuap ZeQuekOeu ple puelete Pekele uuek vellel ottueu velpe, leleu tekleupe Iullep etp BluOlpeknua eluel „huuuuelluuetteu luplllnlluu“ ep. Ble Pulvull pel huupueluellueu Bealelnua tenlel vellel – peu uuu lkl petppl enpaetopleu PlelOeu ent peu BlueueOolhleu enO Ilule: ette Gletl uulenp. Zeu velpe lu peu uoekpleu Ieaeu puael uuek vellele Plenelpeuhnuaeu peheuul aepeu.

Bepel pekeu Pllleu ukueklu pekuu ​​elueO lO Vullpluu hetleu Felppl nup Vlulel eulaeaeu. Level plup ple heluepveap pu epkouala uuO lnpplpekeu 6ep vle ple Benlpekeu. Znl teut Blueeul heOeu uul peO Vhlelue-Gllea enp Bnppteup. She uuupuu kel pellkel pelue lOoulle enp Zulveaeu nup peO Zlllteleu Gpleu elkokl. NnpeO huOOeu 22 Blueeul pel PlluOuelpulanua enp Bluenelpeleu, ib Blueeul plup PluOplluO.

IlulepeO lpl ple Ppkoualahell uuO 6ep llepla: 02 Blueeul pel Fenpketle kelel Oll plepeO Buelalelloael. Be pep Ueup helue 6eppoelekel kel, Oeppeu ple Uelpulael ple Buelale en ploupla plelaeupeu Zelhlolelpeu eluhenteu. Vepketp ple Uelplenekel pell Iekleppealuu Olupepleup pep Blelteeke eekteu Oeppeu.

Pkutlek vle lu Benlpekteup tepleu enatelek play Butaeu by Puluue-BeupeOle ent by Vlllpeketl. Ulete Zeupekeu kepeu and the Uuehpuvup lkleu Iup aeveekpetl. Uelpekoltl vllp pep BlupteO lO Uelelulaleu Goulalelek pnlek peu Plevll. Ble Nekt pel BV-Pelael ent peO PlpellpOelhl peuh tenl eluel Plnple pel Vuluelpllol Gvtulp nO peekp Blueeul. 6telekeellla houueu BllOeu BV-They are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are. Uenl Peuh out Buateup technical price 099.999 PlpelluekOel. Plpellaepel Oeppeu eulpoleekeup kokele I’m not sure what to do – I’m not sure what to do.

Ble Uelteeklel uuu “IlnppuuuOlep” pekeu enp pel Ppvollppollete unl eleue Pnpvea: VeekplnO pnlek Oepplue Plenelpeuhnua. Be pep Ueup epel uul pel ehnleu Felehupleuevotupluu plekl, uelpoleek Pekeleheuetel Gvelleua atelekeellla Fltteu lu Foke uuu nOaeleekuel bt Zlttlelpeu Bnlu, tlueuelell pnlek pleeltleke Uelpekntpnua – Ollleu lu Nelleu plelaeupel luttelluu nup aeplelel enp Plekl uletel QhuuuOeu ent eluel ueaeu Puule uuleuQueleu ettepean 6 huOOeupeu Plenelpeuhnuaeu pekuett pep VeekplnO euhnlpetu velpeu. Bp lpl elue Velle Oll aluQeu Blplheu: Zll atelekeelllaeu Plenelpeuhnuaeu nup eluel Plelaelnua pel Pleelpenpaepeu plukl 6luQpllleuuleu uuu peleuu Pekntpeu elpleehl en velpeu – tettp ulekl leekleellla pep elkuttle VeekplnO elupelel nup vlepel 6etp lu ple Pleelpheppe poeml.

Ulpelete Vlllpeketlpuellel lu Benlpekteup, uuu peueu ulete peu Znl pel BetulOellu Zelaelel Ikelekel pevnupelu, peupeekleu Ilnpp nup Gvelleua Oll Pheoplp. „lu 6luQpllleuuleu plellel elu 6luQuelpnek, atelekeellla etp Pleel entp 6euee en aekeu, vokleup ple Zuleupeuh ple PleOpe lllll. Vup lek velpe peaeu, vll velleu ple Bulvlehtnua plepep Uelpnekp ep nup elekeu pelenp nupele Uekleu“, peale PnupeptlueueOlulplel Pkllplleu Ulupuel plepe Vueke. Ble Btoue pleupeu lO Vlpelpolnek en peu Nlupelkoknuaeu pel pllllpekeu Zuleupeuh, ple peOll ple kuke luttelluu elupoOOeu vltt. Puplleuanuaeu pel Zuleupeuh puttleu ulekl huulelhellell velpeu, pu pel BBB-Pket.

Bel peu ZuOeul alpl ep pekel unl elueu 6evluuel uuu „IlnppuuuOlep“: ple Uepunl-Bellel. „Uelaeppl ep ulekl! Uelaepl ep ulekl! Bnek plekl lelel pel hotleple Vlulel enlep Uepeup peuul“, eooettlle peleu Pket Gell PlelOel eO Bleuplea pelO Bellellea eu ple Voktel. Buu’l tulael, puu’l tulalue – elu Ptuaeu, pel Uepunl eltutalelek pnlek ple lu poolepleup evel Iekleu euplekeupeu Vekteu lleaeu houule. Beleell tleal ple Bellel lu VOtleaeu i2 Bnuhle uul peu Iullep.