”d like to invite you to dick and wine’, ‘Have you ever sucked cock?’, and ‘What turns you on, Mette?’.
It is not in the margins, what judge on TV2’s ’the Settlers’ Mette Helene Rasmussen experiencing on the Peaks.
Dating service has for many become a means of both meeting engangsknaldet, but also the only one.
the 36-year-old single-mother, it is a place, where she hopes to meet a man she can call her boyfriend. In his search for the right encounter, however, she both sour, sweet, and fun.
Including a series of crude men, who make her extremely direct opening questions related to her sex life. The questions – in an anonymised form – and her spirited answers, she shares regularly on her Instagram profile, under hashtagget #morpåtinder.
Uhu! I’ve got snap! Shall we be friends? #morpåtinder
Merry christmas I hope you may get everything what you want you #morpåtinder #sextiljul #letitgo #letitsnow
I love men who give’r What do you think, there is a cosy first date? I thought of a fab trip on the @restaurant_geranium #morpåtinder #pleasure #firstdate #førstedate
Sign up to collect for @kraeftensbekaempelse the 8. april 2018 Direct link in my profile #kedeligmencool #morpåtinder #kræftensbekæmpelseindsamling #kræftensbekæmpelse #fuckcancer
What became of “May I invite you out on a coffee..?” #morpåtinder #samesame #samesamebutdifferent
And then it was Friday… #morpåtinder #retrovilla #blowjobsibaglokalet #retail #detfrækkestebaglokaleibyen @retrovilla
She believes that the messages are the expression of a trend.
– There are many who are experimenting with dating and what I’m sharing, arouses the recognition of my followers. I have noticed that the tone in the universe can be very straightforward and very tough.
– It is a picture of a culture. A picture of some men’s view of women. I know that it is an edited picture I’m presenting, but it is a picture, as many divorced or single mothers can recognize when they must try to find a date, boyfriend or lover.
Mette Helena Rasmussen is known as the professional thing-will find in ’the Flea Deluxe’, as the judge in ’the Settlers’ and indretningsekspert in the ‘Go’ Morgen Danmark’. Photo: Nanna Navntoft
She herself is outspoken, but seems, nevertheless, that you have to wait a bit to ask the very direct questions about sex.
– I think, actually, that it is interesting that men think that it works. Maybe do it? It may be that Joan Ørting says: ‘God, how is it liberating that they are in their own sexuality’.
– It it also. Somewhere, I think, that it is very funny.
– There is nothing wrong in being in love with the sex, or to lay up for sex. It is more the with how fast to get said it.
– I once wrote that I was in Odense and was considering to visit H. C. Andersen’s house, and so wrote, that he rather seemed, that I should come home to him and be ‘blindfolded’.
– You must go grueling to find the man who really can hold a and keep of the one, and where you want it the same, says Mette Helena Rasmussen.
Mette Helena Rasmussen hope that she finds a sweet man at the Peaks. Photo: Nanna Navntoft
Mette Helena Rasmussen tackles the behaviour, which she calls ’tough’, with a sense of humor.
– It is so hard when one writes: ‘What seek you?’
– It is a right and a wrong answer – is this a gf or just sex, and it is hard to begin with to reveal it, and therefore I have found out that you can respond to other things.
– You can say that you’re looking for people who laugh a lot. You can say that you are looking for the one that will invite a Michelin-starred restaurants, so to get broken in the hard tone with a little humor, says Mette Helena Rasmussen.