the Whole world held its breath and crossed fingers for the only two-year-old Christmas, while a nearly two-week long rescue operation took place in the southern mountain village of Totalán about 20 kilometres from Malaga in January of this year.

But when the rescuers finally found the little boy on the night of 26. January in 71 m of depth, he was long since dead as a result of the injuries he sustained in the fall, which corresponds to about 20 floors.

It establishes a 25 pages long obduktionsrapport, which thus eliminates the doubt and the fear that Christmas suffered a slow, painful death. The conclusion in the report thus supports the patologers initial studies and assessments of the small boy’s corpse, that he died ‘instantly, or almost instantly’ in connection with the fatal fall.

rescue workers could not immediately work their way down to Christmas at the bottom of the deep well, but had to drill a parallel path down to the boy, who was recovered 13 days after his tragic fall from playing with his cousin. Photo EFE

According to the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia indicate the legal sources that the boy died at 13.50 on Sunday the 13. January just a few minutes after the tragedy had happened.

Christmas was covered by soil and sand, which was torn loose by the fall. It was, among other things, to prevent that the rescuers could get down to him with the same, and it was also not possible to bring a camera down to see the boy.

The terrible accident triggered the biggest and the most extensive rescue operation in the history of Spain, which, due to the complicated circumstances ended up taking 13 days before the salvage of The corpse managed. Rescue crews were first need to drill in parallel with the drilling, where the boy lay on the over 70 meters in depth, and then at right angles to him. Normally would such a bailout have taken several months and required careful planning.

Christmas died as a result of the very violent blow against the rocky wall, and he was, according to the autopsy report fatal injuries in the head and on the spine. Thus, it suggests that if the boy is not dead in the fall, so it happened immediately after.

the Owner of the farm where the fatal hole killed Christmas, is to be charged with manslaughter. He has so far through his lawyer, defended himself with that Christmas did not die of the fall, but in connection with the rescue operation.

the Conclusions of the autopsy report may be able to relieve just a little bit of the immense pain that the survivors of the Christmas must carry on. A horrific scenario that he has been alive for long and alone in the darkness at the bottom of the hole is in each case excluded.

the 112 – 27. jan. 2019 – at. 17:35 Spanish boy died by falling down in the deep well

the 112 – 27. jan. 2019 – at. 17:35 Spanish boy died by falling down in the deep well

the 112 – 23. jan. 2019 – at. 10:03 Desperate search for two: Now they encountered new problems

the 112 – 22. jan. 2019 – at. 08:43 Two-year caught in the deep hole: Now lacks only a vital step