IG Metall is increasing the pressure in the collective bargaining dispute in the metal and electrical industry and has called on tens of thousands of workers in the north to go on a warning strike on Wednesday. Companies in all five northern German states are affected, IG Metall Kueste announced on Monday. The union is planning demonstrations and rallies in 13 cities on its “Coastal Action Day”.

“Nordmetall continues to refuse an agreement at the negotiating table. Now they are getting the answer from the companies,” said the district manager of IG Metall Coast, Daniel Friedrich. What is needed is a decent table increase without incredibly long runtimes. “A solution must be found by the end of the week, otherwise the conflict will escalate.”

The largest actions, each with three demonstration trains, are planned in Bremen and Hamburg. In Bremen, the executive board member of IG Metall, Hans-Jürgen Urban, is expected to speak, in Hamburg Friedrich will appear in front of the metalworkers.

In Schleswig-Holstein, protests are planned in Flensburg, Itzehoe, Kiel, Lübeck and Rendsburg. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania there is a central rally in Rostock, in Lower Saxony actions have been announced in Cuxhaven, Emden, Nordenham, Papenburg and Rastede.

The IG Metall coast is negotiating for the 130,000 employees in the metal and electrical industry in Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, northwestern Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein. Last Friday, one day after the unsuccessful fourth round of collective bargaining, more than 6,300 employees went down in another warning strike. The focus was Airbus at the Hamburg location in Finkenwerder with 4000 participants.

The IG Metall demands eight percent more money for a period of twelve months for the approximately 3.9 million employees nationwide. In the negotiations that have been conducted regionally so far, the employers have each offered one-off payments of 3,000 euros and also an unspecified increase in the wage tables for a period of 30 months. The one-off payment should reach the employees directly, free of taxes and duties.

On Monday, the board of the union in Frankfurt wanted to make a central decision on how to proceed. A potentially decisive fifth round of negotiations is planned for Thursday in Baden-Württemberg. There, the parties to the collective bargaining agreement expressed their will to lay the foundation for an agreement.