The Evaluation of a new fighters for the Swiss army in the decisive Phase. An armor company to the other before speaking today in defence authority Armasuisse in Berne, and passes a Computer-Stick. The answers to 700 questions wants answered Armasuisse Swiss arms raiser. Request for Proposal (RFP) this is the first offer in the jargon. The procurement experts to make a first impression on the quality of Jets and their prices.

Multiple sources confirm that today, all five aircraft manufacturers, their offers will be submit asked. It was not always clear. Because questionable seemed for a long time, whether the United States will bid for it. In competition Germany: the Eurofighter, Airbus and France, with the Rafale from Dassault. Both neighbours are in comparison to the last Evaluation, significantly better Version of success.

rates for 30 and 40 pieces

Sweden is going to compete with the well-known one, in the hundreds of points-optimized Saab Gripen E. The United States want to join in the conversation with the F/A-18 Super Hornet from Boeing and the stealth bomber F-35-A Lockheed-Martin is a serious word. The F-35 is considered to be state of the art fighter jet in the world.

today, Switzerland submitted offers must clarify important issues. The calculation of the number of aircraft that the manufacturer needs to ensure that all the orders of the Swiss air force meet. In particular, the Swiss air force is interested in, how many Jets are on the whole necessary to have four round-the-clock in the air, during four weeks. To designate the providers also have the price. For 30 and 40 pieces, including logistics and guided missiles. Offers for co-operation with the Swiss air force and to counter-transactions for the Swiss industry to round off the offers.

five of These Jets makes the Federal Council Parmelin test. Video: Tamedia / AFP / Saab / Lockheed Martin

The last competition ended with the rejection of the Gripen’s procurement by the voting public. That was on 18. May 2014. Responsible for the army and Armasuisse experts want to make it better. Their requirements to the provider and their rating criteria are even more clear than it was then. Only what is in the Jets is actually present, and between may and July in Payerne can be tested. The blue of the sky promise, what they wanted to in a few years, even deliver, can’t the provider this Time.

Sand in the gearbox

The final evaluation report will write Armasuisse, after a second tender round between June and December of next year. Then the Ball is definitively in the policy for the types of decision. However, while the aircraft business is progressing on the commercial side as planned, the schedule on the political side, ever more to a Halt. The basic idea of the old defense Minister, Guy Parmelin (SVP), the technical Evaluation and the political decision-making in parallel to advance to the spring of 2020: Practically at the same time should the Jetanbieter submit their final offer (“best and final offer”) and the people over an 8-billion-franc cost of voting the roof for the total renewal of the whole air defence. Well a year and a half later, the end of 2020, and would then have to the Federal Council the types of decision cases.

The schedule from the beginning was optimistic, but in the meantime he has become very unrealistic. Starting with the problems in September 2018 were disheveled, as most of the parties Parmelins idea of a referendum enabled the planning decision in the consultation process. Nevertheless, Parmelin wanted to cling to it, and the template no later than the end of February to the Parliament’s remit. But then the Romand threw himself Sand into the transmission, he left in December, the defense Department – with the expectation of a successor to Viola Amherd (CVP) will implement its targets indiscriminately. However, this does not remember. “It would not be serious, if I would like today to present a fixed timetable,” said Amherd nearly two weeks ago in the SRF-Tagesschau. “I want to sound work, to the bottom of things to go check and then decide.”


However, even if Amherd, contrary to expectations, it could provide until the end of February, Parliament, Embassy, it is unlikely that both chambers can advise you even before the Federal elections in the autumn. The elections will delay the business so more months.

for all Of these reasons, could delay the referendum for up to a year, until the beginning of 2021. Until then, the results of the flight are the five Jets tests in VBS for over one and a half years to be known. With the risk that – as in the case of the Gripen vote 2014 – once again, a discussion of the referendum superimposed. That would be exactly what is wanted to prevent Parmelin.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 24.01.2019, 21:07 PM