The minister of Foreign Affairs of the USA, Mike Pompeo, and the president of Colombia, Ivan Duque, Wednesday agreed to joint efforts to the government of president Micolas Maduro in Venezuela in diplomatic isolation. They go to the democracy in the country “to restore”.

“The long democratic tradition of Colombia makes the country a “natural leader” in the region to democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela to “support”, say Pompeo and Duque in a joint statement.

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Pompeo brought a short visit to Cartagena, on the Caribbean coast. Pompeo said that he and Duque have been talking about a way of dealing with allies in the region and internationally to work together to Venezuelans “to help their democratic heritage to be recovered” and “they who are of the country to escape to help”.

The Colombian president, who at the start of August, his arrival was engaged to Maduro diplomatically isolate, called countries that the democracy defend together the “dictatorship” of Maduro, to reject it. “We, all countries that have democratic values, to share, to unite us to the dictatorship in Venezuela, to reject it. We have all the necessary efforts to democracy and the constitutional order to restore it.”