can be As powerful as a matter of course, learned Rutger Bregman at the end of January. The Dutch historian, was guest speaker at the Davos world economic forum and reminded those present big earner of your obligation to Pay your taxes! The talk about philanthropy and saving the world is just “Bullshit,” said Bregman, who really wanted help would have to start paying proper taxes, to escape instead of using Financial loopholes to the tax authorities. As I said, a matter of course. But during the night, Bregmans went speech viral, suddenly became the focus of a debate about justice and responsibility. Because this is a matter of course become the exception. Ironically, in America, the epicenter of the financial capitalism, is on the horizon now is a change of Mentality.

the campaign for The American presidency has become just the battle of the financial giants: In the White house, the self-declared Self-made billionaire Donald Trump is sitting. The Fund Manager Tom Steyer wants to invest over 40 million dollars, to relieve the President of his office, the media tycoon Michael Bloomberg toying with a candidacy for the Democrats and former Starbucks chief Howard Schultz wants to draw as an independent candidate against the political Elite in the electoral campaign. Particularly Schultz’ candidacy caused a lot of stir, because he could steal the Democrats, many Anti-Trump-votes and, therefore, the President would again facilitate choice. It is the American policy seems to be almost as the “Billionaire Boys Club”. They provide progressive Democrats a steep template for success in the coming election.

America is not more jealous of his Rich your assets

So much for Trump, Bloomberg and Schultz differ politically, what is your rejection of higher tax rates for billionaires is unites. Just but well-known Democrats want to score. Up-and-comer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for the top tax to raise the rate for billionaires to 70 percent, presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren will introduce a two percent wealth tax on assets over $ 50 million, and Left-icon Bernie Sanders has submitted a draft law for a higher inheritance tax on Large fortunes. That Trump and his Republicans reject these plans strictly, is not surprising. But even Bloomberg and Schultz, equating the proposals with an economic madness. Bloomberg warns of “Venezuelan relations”, Schultz called the idea of the tax plus a universal health insurance to co-Finance, simply “UN-American”. Because America loves for its Rich your assets. At least this was so.

The progressive tax plans of the Democrats to come but well with the electorate. According to surveys, over half of the population supports a more stringent taxation of the super, and even a growing number of Republican voters to befriends with the idea. The American economy is booming, but as the last congressional elections have shown, social issues such as health and nursing insurance, for many voters top priority. Democrats like Sanders or Warren don’t know how to use it, you focus on the cultural battles between the right and the left, but put on a progressive economic populism. They accuse the government again and again, to turn the country into a corrupt plutocracy. Their tax plans, so you promote it, should help to close the gap between the Poor and the rich. In purely economic terms, the claim is doubtful as a Narrative, but all the more convincing.

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mid-term of the US President, Trump Donald First

Juliane Schäuble

Because the United States are living through a change of heart. As Michael Hiltzik of the “LA Times”, commented a few days ago: America no longer loves its billionaires. A long time they were regarded as the embodiment of the American dream, however, after the financial crisis, it gradually became America’s nightmare. Also the myth that economic success makes a smart, political dealmakers, is not shattered last to Trumps wall success rate. Billionaires with political ambitions have an image problem, this is not to be underestimated. The Democrats are well advised to make the tax debate is a moral principle, discussion of social responsibility, to lead rather than just on an economic level. Should refuse Trump, Bloomberg, and Schultz of the discussion, could also get you to feel how impact can be strong as a matter of course.