The USA a levels for the first time the military of another country officially as a terrorist organization. US President, Trump declared that the Iranian revolutionary guard for Washington a terrorist group.

The US government has classified the Iranian revolutionary guard officially as a foreign terrorist organization. The US President Donald Trump announced in a from the White house, widespread communication. In order to send a clear Signal to the government in Tehran, “that their support for terrorists has serious consequences”. It will take account of the fact that the Garden is “active” terrorism as an “Instrument of state policy”, promoted and funded, said Trump.

IRGC to Black list

Trump said that it was the “first Time” that the revolutionary guard is a “part of a foreign government” land on the Black list. Iran is regarded by the US as the largest sponsor of international terrorism.

the classification is accompanied by sanctions and the Freezing of possible assets of the guards go to US territory. In addition, the US is forbidden to companies to conduct business with the guard or support you in other ways.

The revolutionary guards (IRGC) in Iran, the elite unit of the armed forces is far more important than the classic army.

The US list the Iranian revolutionary guard on the terror: This is the first time classified the military of another country as a terrorist organization.

IRGC commander had warned US to

IRGC commander Mohammed Ali Dschafari had warned Washington at the weekend, before such a step: “If the Americans commit such a stupidity and our national security should not compromise, then we will launch immediately take appropriate measures against them,” – quoted by the Tasnim news Agency.

The U.S. state Department classifies currently 60 groups as “foreign terrorist organisations”, including Al-Qaeda and the terrorist militia “Islamic state” and its various allies, Hezbollah and various Palestinian factions. However, none of these is a state-owned military.

After U.S. Secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, in consultation with the Minister of Finance announced a such classification, the U.S. Congress has seven days to review this. If he has no objections, she enters into force.

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