no, it was not a good week for Donald Trump. They began with the cancellation of his desire successor for the Position of chief of staff, caught him cold and forced to give the Job of Commissioner, the budget Director Mick Mulvaney. It ended up that the of the own party dominated Senate, at least, a symbol showing the limits of its foreign policy; and with each day of this week, the Russia advanced investigation from Robert Mueller to be closer to him.

If, once close Confidants, such as his former attorney, Michael Cohen and his former security adviser to Michael Flynn for actions in prison need to be directly associated with Trump in connection, must give him the sleepless nights. That is, the US is already experiencing the beginning of the end of the Era of Trump?

the fact is that all of these developments take place against the Background that Donald Trump has his easiest time as US President. The tax cuts, which his followers at first very honor, drifting in the meantime, the national debt to astronomical heights. The deficit has increased by 2018 compared to the previous year, a staggering 17 percent.

in the next year, the shortfall could be between the revenue and the expenditure of a trillion dollars – as a result, the interest rates rise, new spending programs back in the distance. And the Congress, in which his Republicans were the first two years, even with its comfortable majority in both chambers to extend the hand of is divided in accordance with the by-elections. The new Power and self-consciousness-equipped Democrats will make it harder for them to Govern starting in January.

charged with a New majority in Congress

what is the pressure due to the changed majority situation, to Trump, showed the spectacular appearance in the White house on Tuesday, as the President argued in front of the cameras with the two top representatives of the Democrats in Congress. Trump should then be made of the Meeting, stormed and documents have thrown reported. And all because of him, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer don’t want to get in his wall plans partout. As a reaction to the President with a Government Shutdown, a budget threatens to lock. A threat that may just before Christmas also backfire, when tens of thousands were sent to Employees of Federal authorities once in the unpaid forced leave.

An unmistakable Signal of new times, the decision of the Senate of Thursday, to protest at the Trump supported military aid to Saudi Arabia-and this is directly against the President. Even if the vote is not binding, so it says something about the foreign political pain of many Republicans limit.

Video 15.12.2018, 11:22 Uhr00:32 Min.Trump nominated budget Director Mulvaney as interim chief of staff

trump’s bizarre refusal to distance itself, citing the lucrative armaments business just a little bit of the Saudi crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the even the CIA behind the assassination of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi is suspected, irritated by his party friends. In the same way as the refusal to take the devastating Saudi role in Yemen, to the knowledge of where the United Nations, currently the world’s worst humanitarian crisis is happening.

The Senate emancipated

The result of his conduct in a Senate of the emancipated, at least in terms of foreign policy is – and in a rare cross-party Alliance. Mike Lee, one of the most conservative Republican senators, spoke of a “victory for the Constitution and the separation of powers”. And the one on the left, Senator Bernie Sanders, who is being touted as a possible presidential candidate for the Democrats, said: “The Constitution gives the President the Power to send our young men and women in the war, but the Congress. This Power we have to get back to us.“

It was the first Time that the Senate has used the “war Powers Act” to demand the end of military action abroad. The “war Powers Act” was created in 1973 during the Vietnam war to limit the power of the President. The senators went even further: In a second Resolution they made – well, crown Prince Salman for Khashoggis death noticed unanimously.

Now, both Votes will have no practical consequences: The President the power of Veto. But they are a clear warning. The “Washington Post” speaks of a “perfect storm” brewing with the crisis in Yemen and the case of Khashoggi.

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Juliane Schäuble

The foothills of the President in the eye. Because whatever Robert Mueller, in his Russia-investigations finds out about Trump: About a possible impeachment process decides at the end of the Senate. The is a majority behind the President. Really dangerous it is for Trump, if he loses in his camp. The could have started this week.