The United States to impose sanctions against the Iranian mining and steel sector. Thus, the second-largest source of revenue of the country would be taken after the crude oil, said U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday in Washington. The Iranian Oil sector have occupied the USA with massive penalties.

The new sanctions are in addition to the steel for exports of iron, aluminum and copper. Trump announced the measures a year after its unilateral denunciation of the international nuclear agreement with Iran, which he considers to be completely inadequate. Since then, he has already set up a whole series of sanctions against the country.

His government is turning against Iran “is successful, the most powerful campaign of maximum pressure”, which is the most ever, said the US President. Further measures would follow, should Tehran to change its behavior, he warned.

Trump wants. with the Iranian leadership

Trump meeting denounced the Iranian leadership regularly, as the world’s largest sponsor of “terrorism” and criticised the Iranian interventions in various conflict areas in the Middle East

The US President has now explained that he “wanted to come together one day” with the Iranian leadership to “an agreement” and to take steps towards a future in which Iran is “earned”.

The Iranian head of state Hassan Rouhani, in turn, had announced earlier on Wednesday a partial exit of its country from the nuclear deal in 2015. To the limitations set forth in the holdings of enriched uranium and heavy water, Iran no longer wants to keep. (afp/red)

Created: 08.05.2019, 21:13 PM