As a reaction to the power struggle in Venezuela, the United States announced sanctions against its state-owned Oil company PDVSA. The punitive measures should remain in force until a transition government or a democratically elected government in the South American country was in office, said Minister of Finance, Steven Mnuchin on Monday in Washington. The operating in the US and PDVSA subsidiary Citgo permitted to continue according to his information, but your business.

The powerful military plays a decisive role in the struggle for power in Venezuela: The army is considered to be the backbone of the government. Only on Thursday confirmed the eight generals of their “loyalty” to Maduro, and spoke of a “coup” by Guaidó.

Of the 32 Ministers in the government are nine military, they hold key ministries such as defence, home Affairs, agriculture and nutrition. In addition, you control the intelligence service and key industries such as the oil Industry, the state Oil company PDVSA, which generates 96 percent of state revenues.


Created: 28.01.2019, 21:52 PM