look at my land, I will be great’.

How it was written on one of the countless signs, as thousands of young schoolchildren on Friday had taken to klimastrejke on the Christiansborg Slotsplads.

But a smaller group of the klimastrejkende school students had a hard time even to take care of the land they stood on, while they demonstrated a klimalov and shouted slogans against the politicians behind the Christiansborgs thick walls.

While most had their focus directed towards the stage, developed in a larger ‘creative workshop’ at the ago of 85 brand-new, terror-protective granitpullerter.

Several of the young klimakæmpere ‘decorated’ the kuglerunde bollards with climate slogans. It happened with the garish colors of both chalk and a series of open akrylmalingspande to the floor and facademaling, which was made close to the equestrian statue of king Frederik. 7. in the middle of the square.

Also the cobbles on the completely renovated Christiansborg Slotsplads floating in the paint. Photo: Linda Johansen

There was used the paint from the akrylmalingspande. Photo: Linda Johansen

By the side of the malingspandene flowed a jumble of brushes, crayons and spilled paint on the newly constructed cobblestone. The paint flowed along with the rain water and converted the entire area into one big rainbow-coloured mess.

The large-scale klimastrejke, there is only one in the series of a global movement of klimademonstrationer, is the very first notified demonstration at the just-reopened space. The total cost of a large-scale renovation of the Christiansborg Slotsplads, including the 85 specifically grantipullerter, sounds of 46 million. crowns.

Photo: Linda Johansen

While the Extra Magazine observed the young, klimastrejkendes malergerning, troppede two uniformed police officers up, who asked for id and took a alvorssnak with a handful of students.

at the same time, announced the organizers from the scene that the painting should cease without delay:

– In relation to the stone that has been painted on. We need to keep up with. It is in fact vandalism. We must fight for the climate, but behave properly, sounded the admonition from one of the organizers.

Shortly after was the thousands of young people invited to meet up to wash the stones clean:

– We have talked about, that we meet up at the weekend to wash the stones clean. If we ask, whether you will come tomorrow and help, what will you say then?

the Call from the stage was met with sporadic support.

the Parliament will provide to Ekstra Bladet, a group of demonstrators first started with a cleaning and clean-up on Friday afternoon.

A professional cleaning company is, however, now purchased to clean the stones Friday evening at. 18.00.

That was met with thousands up on Christiansborg Slotsplads to klimastrejke. None of the young people in the picture were among those who painted on the stones. Photo: Linda Johansen

Pia K: They should be ashamed

president of the Danish parliament shaking his head of the young klimastrejkendes treatment of the newly renovated Christiansborg Slotsplads.

– They should be ashamed. One thing is that they truant from school. Another thing is that they are committing vandalism on the castle square. For it is vandalism, whether it is with chalk or regular paint. And it is a shame, because they lose sympathy if they ever had it, says Pia Kjærsgaard to Ekstra Bladet.

– The young says from the stage, they will come in the weekend and clean it up. What do you say to it?

– I don’t believe It completely. Now take our folketingsbetjente care of it. But it is too bad that both must use time and effort on it now. The palace square is to the notified demonstrations. It is not vandalism, says Pia Kjærsgaard.

a Global wave

There is also klimastrejke on the other side of the earth. Here in Wellington in New Zealand. Photo: Marty Melville

all Over the world, there has Friday been klimastrejke. Schoolchildren and students show up in the 32 largest cities and in at least 1659 cities all over the world. The aim is to get the politicians to limit emissions of CO2 and to establish a klimalov.

Klimastrejke-wave is among other things inspired by the Swedish teen Greta Thunberg, who has recently been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize.