“Vårdsamtal low unprotected –”

“the Recordings from the millions of calls to 1177 Vårdguiden has, according to an examination remained completely open as audio files on an unprotected web server.”

“the Talks are confidential by law and an expert sees the data as astonishing.”

“– this is amazing. Healthcare is a very regulated business, which handles very large amounts of sensitive information. It should not be a riddle how to protect it in an efficient way, ” says Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder, head of security at internet infrastructure foundation in Sweden, to the TT.”

“the Material covers 2.7 million calls for a total of approximately 170,000 hours ago 2013 to vårdentreprenören Medicall – receiving the call from the regions of Stockholm, Sörmland and Värmland – and that remained unprotected and open to listen to or download online, reveals Computer Sweden (CS).”

“Through the open the web server, without password protection or other encryption, CS has listened to some calls. They contain very sensitive information for personal privacy on the diseases and ailments for which the dependent asking for advice on. There are stories on their own and loved one’s symptoms, medication and previous treatments. In many cases, the state inringarna also their or loved one’s social security number.”

“TT: Have you heard of something similar in the same scope?”

“– Not in Sweden, ” says Eklund Löwinder.”

“Davide Nyblom, ceo of Medicall, says to SVT News that the company is working to investigate what it is that happened.”

“On the question of how the whole thing has to occur, respond Nyblom:”

” I am no technician. We hold on and check with them that deliver it services. I have no answer right now.”

“Some audio files are also open labelled with inringarens phone number. Around 57 000 Swedish phone number is in the database. The audio files shall be according to the patient data act is treated with confidentiality.”

“the Press office of the minister of social affairs Lena Hallengren (S) says to TT that the department obtains the information about the event and its extent.”

“Medicall is a subcontractor to the contractor Medhelp receiving patientsamtal via 1177 Vårdguiden. It is mainly during the uncomfortable times that the calls are sent on to the Medicall, with registered office in Thailand.”

“Johan Bratt, chief medical officer at Stockholm Region, underlines that the patients must feel a sense of security when they hear of themselves.”

“– I am both angry and disappointed over what has happened, ” says Bratt to the TT.”

“Medhelp has reported that it is a technical error that has been behind the data”

“TT: How long was it?”

“– We have no further information about it.”

“As a result of the examination has access to the data is closed.”

“Medhelp has acted and fixed the bug so that the possibility to be able to access the files now is closed.”

“the Regions of Sörmland and Värmland write in press releases that they will get a full picture of the event with the help of, among others, Medhelp.”

“Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder says that the authorities now thoroughly need to sort out the issue. Even if the operation is outsourced still remains responsible for the information that should be protected through the ranks.”

“TT: Where is the responsibility in this case?”

” Generally, the responsibility lies with the person who owns the information – so in this case it is the healthcare provider. Then it can happen to sub to misbehave and not do what they should, and then you hope that you have written so good agreement that it will actually hurt in the wallet of the supplier, ” she says.”

“Johan Bratt says that it is Medhelp that is the caregiver in this case.”

“TT: How do the agreements out – you can require money of them for this?”

“– The type of questions, may I come back to.”

“the Subcontractor Medicall – which has its registered office in Thailand – is a subcontractor to the vårdentreprenören Medhelp receiving patientsamtal via 1177 Vårdguiden.”

“It is mainly during the uncomfortable times that the calls are sent on to the Medicall in Thailand, where the Swedish health care professionals are working to receive calls.”

“Medhelp has, in turn, contracts with county – council and council-owned Inera, which is principal for 1177 Vårdguiden.”

“Medicall uses a cloud-based phone system from the Swedish company Voice Integrate Nordic AB”

“Source: Computer Sweden”