In Venezuela rages a power struggle between the head of state, Maduro and the leader of the opposition. Now the Europe, charged in Parliament and said, Guiadó as interim President to acknowledge.

The European Parliament has positioned itself in the discussion of the handling of the situation in Venezuela. The deputies decided by a large majority, the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the rightful interim President of the South American country. At the same time they called on the governments of the EU member States to follow this decision.

were cited As the reason for the clear positioning in the Declaration adopted by the recent Statements of the acting President, Nicolás Maduro. This had been rejected by the EU-calling for a prompt and fair election of a new President in the country open to the public.

Whether the EU States can agree a common line on the question of the recognition of Guaidós, it is so far unclear. To the subject there will be in the afternoon, once again, discussions at an informal foreign Ministers ‘ meeting in the Romanian capital, Bucharest.