Air travelers have to be prepared for disabilities on Friday: The Verdi union is extending the wage dispute in the public sector to several airports – including Hamburg – on Friday. At Hamburg Airport, the warning strike could affect the areas of air security control, passenger handling and maintenance, among other things, as an airport spokeswoman said on Wednesday morning. “Due to the warning strike, flight cancellations and delays are to be expected – up to and including the complete cessation of passenger flights.” Thursday 10 p.m. to Friday 10 p.m. A total of around 253 flights with around 32,000 passengers are planned for Friday at Hamburg Airport.

According to the airport, there are still no figures on flight cancellations. “However, we expect far-reaching effects on flight operations and numerous other flight cancellations during the course of the day,” said the spokeswoman. Passengers are asked to keep themselves informed about the flight status and, if necessary, to contact the booked airline.

According to trade union information, the strikers will gather in front of the Hamburg Airport terminals on Friday morning for a rally and then march around the airport in a demonstration procession. Employees who are not covered by the collective agreement for the public sector (TVÖD) are called on to go on solidarity strikes. With the now continued warning strikes, the employees want to give emphasis to their demands in the ongoing collective bargaining dispute between the federal and local governments. Further warning strikes have been announced in Hesse, Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia, among others, before the second round of collective bargaining on February 22nd and 23rd.

In the ongoing collective bargaining negotiations, Verdi and the civil servants’ association dbb are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros more for the approximately 2.5 million employees in the federal and local public sector. The term of the new collective agreement is to be twelve months. The employers have so far rejected the claims.

According to the airport, a 24-hour warning strike in Hamburg is completely inappropriate, especially since Hamburg Airport, with its around 800 employees, represents a minimal proportion of the 2.4 million employees nationwide according to the TVÖD contract,” said the airport spokeswoman. According to the information, the airport is also not a direct negotiating partner in collective bargaining.

The warning strike also caused a lack of understanding because only a few days ago there was a collective agreement with Verdi at Hamburg Airport for ground handling service employees, said the spokeswoman. “The same Verdi union is now striking Hamburg Airport anyway, causing massive restrictions for tens of thousands of travelers.”

Most recently, Hamburg passengers on the Hochbahn were affected by a warning strike, and special collective bargaining is taking place here. There have already been rallies in front of the finance senator’s house on Gänsemarkt in recent weeks for a better collective agreement in the public sector.