in mid-December has put a homeless man in Nuremberg for hours in fear: in the Middle of the city he had attacked indiscriminately three women with a knife, and was initially gone.

After the knife attack of Nuremberg in mid-December, the three injured women at the hospital have been released. The office of the public Prosecutor of Nürnberg-Fürth, announced on Thursday. Previously, the Nürnberger Zeitung had reported.

The police from values currently more evidence in the case, said a spokeswoman for the prosecution authority. The 38-year-old alleged stabber of silence still to the allegations. The German is said to have stabbed the three women at the age of 26, 34 and 56 years in the Nuremberg district of St. Johannis. All three victims were wounded in the torso is hard – two of the women were at times in danger of their lives.

a native of Saxony-Anhalt stem end of man is in prison for attempted murder in three cases in custody. Police had taken a call several times previously convicted 38-Year-old of no fixed abode, a day after the fact. To him, the descriptions of the victims and witnesses had passed. He also had the murder weapon – a knife. For the investigators of the suspicion is substantiated, among other things, through DNA traces of the victim on the Tatmesser.