Sint-Niklaas In the Vrasenestraat in nieuwkerken, belgium is dinsdagvoormiddag an 81-year-old man to life in a accident. He was hit after he suddenly, for still unknown cause of the bike path fled to the roadway.
The dramatic accident happened to something for 11 hours. The man rode on the cycle path in the direction of Vrasene. About 100 metres before the junction with the Kriekelaarstraat week to an unknown cause, suddenly out of the bicycle path to the roadway. Just at that moment, a car appears. The driver of that vehicle could a collision, not avoid and scooped up the victim. The recalled emergency services were very quickly on the spot and have even tried to get the man to revive him. There was no help avail. The man died on the spot. The car driver was in shock and drove according to the first findings are not too fast. The public prosecutor’s office sent a verkeersdeskundige on the spot to the exact circumstances of the accident to find out.