Bree, A short but heavy downpour that Sunday evening about 17 hours over the north of Limburg, attracted, also in the centre of Bree for major flooding taken care of. Dozens of streets were in no time blank. In some places ran the water within cellars and garages. Nursing home Boneput had to be evacuated when the water is suddenly through the roof and the basement to within gushing.

Just before the Medical intervention plan promulgated. “We feared that the insijpelende water in the home also for electrocution could cause or pose a risk of fire,” said incident commander Buy Maes of fire zone North of the province Limburg. The fire brigade came flocking to the spot to the residents of the bottom floor already to evacuate to the higher floors. Through the basement seeped water suddenly through the doors into the corridor.

Thirty evacuations

‘But also through the roof, there must be rainwater has come in,” says Officer Maes. “It is possible there was somewhere a blockage to the drains. In any case, a rusthuiskamers under water. The room of three residents was Sunday night not be used. For them it was a solution outside of the retirement home searched. Thirty residents are temporarily evacuated, but they could in the course of the evening again return to their room.” Various services such as the Red Cross and the Flemish cross, were enabled to order the evacuation went smoothly.

centre of Bree affected

In the centre of Bree were a large number of streets in a mum of time under water. The police and fire brigade had forced a part of the city shut down. Dozens of residents had water in their basement or their garage attract. At the local tennis club TC Rock came volunteers help the water way to keep. Streets such as the Shank, Malta, the Simplicity and the small ring were blank. A few cars came in the course of the evening stuck. “Against subsequent night we had a sixty calls are open,” says Officer Koen Maes. “Luckily, it seemed the worst about 19 hours has passed.” The firemen will probably still be a large part of the evening in the back for all interventions to work.