new Zealand natives call him Whakaari: “the dramatic volcano”. On Monday, as the tourists are out wandering around, he breaks out suddenly. At least five people were killed. According to the NZ Herald it is a of the dead a journey the leader of the “White Island Tours”. Of about 20 people, the fate of which is unknown.

The volcano erupted, according to the authorities against 14.11 PM local time (2.11 PM CET). On images of an observation camera to see how just before a large group of walkers in the immediate vicinity of the crater is. Then the camera is black.

The police said that in this Moment of up to 50 people on the island were. After several reconnaissance flights with aircraft and helicopters, a police spokesman said now: “is no signs of life have been spotted.” And further: “On the basis of the available information, we do not believe that on the island, the Survivors are.”

To possible Swiss Concerned, there were in the Morning still no information on how the Department of foreign Affairs (FDFA) in Bern, told to the news Agency Keystone-SDA. You stand in contact with the Embassy in the new Zealand capital of Wellington and this with the local authorities.

Various eye-witnesses published Videos of the Eruption and the evacuation on the social networks.

No Chance for rescue workers

Out of fear of further eruptions, it was the police and rescue workers not be possible to enter the island, according to the new Zealand police before. The police was in contact with specialists, and to take recommendations and information. In this night, however, is excluded.

In the use of at least seven helicopters were. New Zealand’s Deputy police chief John Tims said, “probably” give it to even more deaths. New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, said: “currently We have no full clarity. We do not want to speculate.” Also in the evening, the search was still running.

About 23 tourists were brought in with severe injuries in safety. Image: Katee Shanls (Keystone/AP NZME)

cruise company “deeply dismayed”

Several of the excursionists were from a cruise ship, the “Ovation Of The Seas”. The shipping company Royal Caribbean sent act to the police a list of passengers.

In a Statement to CNN, the cruise company was “deeply dismayed” about the events. “We work together with the local authorities and offer our guests and their families every possible support and care, including the provision of medical resources and care. The Ovation of the Seas will remain in port, as support is needed.”

in 1968, in Norway, based company with headquarters in Florida, is one of the world’s largest in the field of shipping. In 2018, it controlled approximately 19 percent of the global cruise market. Four of a total of 26 vessels operated are among the largest in the world.

island in private possession

White Island is located in the North-East of new Zealand’s North island, about 50 kilometres from the coast. Even there, the huge cloud of ash was seen. The last major eruption was in 2016. At the time, no one was hurt. In recent weeks, increased activity was again noted. This is not the led but the tours were banned. Entering is allowed only in the presence of trained guides. The island is privately owned.

aerial view of White Island, taken after the Eruption. Image: George Novak (Keystone/AP New Zealand Herald)

In the case of new Zealand’s indigenous people, the Maori, called the volcano Te Puia O Whakaari. This means “The dramatic volcano”. The island rises about 320 feet in height. By far the largest part of the volcano is under water. Several companies offer of the coast, day trips with the boat. Per year the island is visited by around 10 000 visitors.

Popular tours

The “White island” was discovered in 1769 by the British Explorer James Cook, who gave her the name. Reason for this was that White Island appeared to be constantly in a cloud of white steam and smoke. Cook did not realize, apparently, that behind it is a volcano hides. The day tours, where you can take a look into the Interior of the earth, are very popular.

new Zealand lies on the so-called Pacific ring of fire, the geologically most active Zone of the earth. Earthquakes are not uncommon. In the city of Christchurch, more than 180 people died in a quake in February 2011 killed. (chk/sda)

Created: 09.12.2019, 05:18 PM