Russia resumed, Wednesday, November 2, its participation in the agreement on Ukrainian grain exports, claiming to have received “written guarantees” from Ukraine on the demilitarization of the maritime corridor used for their transport. World grain prices, which had soared at the beginning of the week, promising to aggravate the food difficulties in the world, immediately began to decline, despite doubts about the fulfillment of its commitments by Moscow.

The United States, like the UN, congratulated this outcome, and praised Turkey’s role. But they stressed that the grain agreement, originally signed in July for four months, must now be renewed. They said, at the same time, to be “increasingly concerned” by the possibility of a use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine, after information on tactical attack plans.

The Security Council on Wednesday rejected a Russian-drafted resolution calling for an investigation into its accusations of Washington’s involvement in the alleged development of biological weapons in Ukraine. Russia had officially requested last week a UN investigation into these accusations which it has regularly advanced since the start of its offensive.

The resolution she put to the vote received two votes in favor (Russia and China), three votes against (France, the United States and the United Kingdom, which have a right of veto) and the 10 non-permanent members of the Council all abstained. The text provided for the “establishment of a commission composed of all members of the Security Council to investigate the accusations against the United States and Ukraine” concerning their obligations under the Convention which prohibits the development, production and use of biological weapons. The deputy Russian ambassador, Dmitry Polyanskiy, regretted the result of the vote, denouncing the attitude of Western countries which “have shown that the rules do not apply to them”. This resolution is “a milestone in Russia’s deceit and lies” and “no one gets caught up in it, except China”, replied the American ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

“Today we have an important diplomatic result for our country and for the whole world: the implementation of the initiative to export (Ukrainian) cereals continues”, rejoiced Volodymyr Zelensky in his daily address posted on social networks. The Ukrainian leader hailed the “efficiency” and “fair manner” with which the UN and Turkey, mediators of the Ukrainian grain deal, he said, worked to find a solution with Moscow. Earlier Wednesday, Moscow said it had received “sufficient” written guarantees from kyiv to resume its participation in the grain agreement.

It is important that this agreement is “not only restarted but also renewed later this month,” State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters. “This will ultimately bring even more (…) stability to this market and, above all, will put downward pressure on the prices” of foodstuffs in the world, he added.

The head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken also praised Turkey’s mediation work in this file during a call with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu. Antony Blinken particularly highlighted Ankara’s efforts to “remind Moscow of the importance of continued adherence to the agreements negotiated under the aegis of the United Nations and its commitments to support global food security,” said a statement.

The Swiss government announced on Wednesday the granting of humanitarian aid of one hundred million dollars to Ukraine for the supply of drinking water and the rehabilitation of energy infrastructure damaged at the approach of winter. The Swiss Federal Council said in a statement that it had “adopted an action plan to mitigate the consequences for the population in Ukraine of a winter that promises to be harsh.”

“Switzerland will release an envelope of 100 million Swiss francs (as many dollars) for this purpose. These funds will be used in particular to finance projects whose aim is to quickly restore the country’s energy infrastructure”, indicates the text. “Given the dire situation in which Ukraine finds itself, the country needs increased international assistance,” the statement added. “The sending by Switzerland of additional relief equipment (generators, pumps or water treatment plants) is under consideration.”