While Siv Jensen sits together with the rest of the partiledelsen in the Progress and negotiate with the Right, the Left and the Christian democratic Party about a new regjeringsplattform, sitting stortingsgruppen in suspense and waiting for the result in Oslo.

They have a clear message to Reed and the others:

We must have a tightening in immigration policies. A highly polished Fp-win. We don’t get that, click the “grassroots”, warns Leirstein, who travel around a lot and thinks he has a good sense of how the mood is in the party.

When the Left came into the Right – and conservative party-the government in the last year, got the Left one says about the increased number of kvoteflyktninger. In the budget for 2019, it was decided 3000.

Here be notified the rematch.

The 3,000 kvoteflyktningene the Left got pushed through in the previous round, must be reversed. There is an aberrantly high number, ” says Per-Willy Amundsen, the progress party representative from the state of minnesota.

– How many is okay, for example, 1000?

– as low as possible. Now we need to ensure the integration of those who have already come, ” says Amundsen.

Raja: – Frp spikes disagree

Jon Helgheim, innvandringspolitisk the spokesperson of the progress party, believes the Liberal party victory in last year have already been signed off. Helgheim was yesterday present at the Gran during regjeringsforhandlingene.

This is already implemented in the budget for 2019, so it is done, ” says Helgheim.

Abid Raja don’t think the Frp peaks agree with the Per-Willy Amundsen, in that the number of kvoteflyktninger must come down.

Him about it. I’m sure also his own people in the government disagree with him in this. For example, the current minister of justice. He’ll call him and give their input, ” says Abid Raja to the Newspaper.

– I see no reason to throw brannfakler into ongoing good regjeringsforhandlinger. They will find a good balance in this way we managed on Jeløya, ” he says.

Want to have 5000 kvoteflyktninger

Young Left-leader Sondre Hansmark Persen met today forhandlingsdelegasjonene on Gran. He makes it clear that the conservative party will not get a blank innstrammingsseier without a fight.

One of the Hansmark main message to them was that immigration policies need to be changed, but he want change in the opposite direction.

We were pleased with the 3000 kvoteflyktninger in the budget, but has more sense for KrFs suggestions. It was the same as the united nations asks us to take now, namely 5000. So we must cease to have a temporary stay for the children, stop sending them back to war zones.

– If Per-Willy Amundsen calls 3000 for the aberrantly high, he needs to learn math. It also stands in the Jeløya-platform that as long as the number of influxes of asylum seekers is low, should accept more kvoteflyktninger. I think most people are agreed that it is the best way to accept refugees, ” he says.

Stricter for family reunion

yesterday, it became clear that in 2018 came 2654 new asylum seekers to Norway. There is a decrease of 900 from the year before and the lowest since the mid-90s. At the same time, the numbers for family immigration are far higher, they are estimated to end about 11 000.

Innstramminger in family immigration was an issue the Progress party, lost in Parliament, but where they hope to get a win with a new government that includes KrF and V.

ACKNOWLEDGE: Jon Helgheim mean Left victory from last year about the increased number of kvoteflyktninger already signed off. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Scanpix Show more

– There may be increased duration of residence in Norway before one has the right to family reunification, or by the fact that the rules for who you can be reunited with stringent, says Ulf Leirstein.

Requires deportations of refugees

In addition to a decrease in the number of kvoteflyktninger and fewer familiegjenforeninger, believes the progress party’s in Parliament that it is important to get the increased return of refugees when the areas they originally fled from, is safe.

today based on volunteering. It believes the progress party’s immigration spokesperson is not enough.

No, Norway has not accepted the lowest number of refugees in Europe

– the Principle that one is traveling home when it is safe should be a general rule. It is important for the trust to asylsystemet, that is terribly strained. This can be to talk about the very many refugees, who can help to make immigration policy sustainable.

– So families who have established themselves in Norway with children who speak English and go to school here tvangssendes back after several years in Norway?

– There are some to make very much noise and put strong feelings in turn. But if it is safe, will those who are here take the place of someone who actually needs it. It I hope most norwegians do not see are jointly and severally, ” says Jon Helgheim.

don’t Think the conservative party will win

Hege Storhaug of Human Rights Service (HRS), think the progress party’s in Parliament will be disappointed forhandlingsresultatet.

– We do not think it is realistic for the progress party and the Right to get to much more on innstramninger in immigration policies together with the Left Sector. They will preferably have åpnest possible limits in order to feel like good people, ” says Storhaug to the Newspaper.

But the conservative party will continue in government anyway, think Storhaug.

Siv Jensen has had several opportunities to go out of the government on the innvandringsspørsmålet, most recently with the Marrakech agreement. When she’s not walking on it, I strongly doubt that these negotiations will lead to the Right go out of the government because they don’t get more attention in order to tighten into, ” says Storhaug.

Moxnes will not be snillest in the class longer: parents of young Children will have a revolution on Parliament