the Mayhem is many things. It is the English for chaos and a mad Norwegian metal band.

But the Mayhem is also a music venue with rehearsal rooms and studio in the capital’s Northwest. Out there, there is both chaos and metal on the English.

the Hotbed has produced the most exciting, Danish music name, heavyhovederne Generation, and now follows another furiøst orchestra, passionate spirits Gullo Gullo.

the Quartet consists among other things of the Ancestral lead guitarist, Anders M. Jorgensen, that draws its primary group all-consuming intensity and merciless consistency with the over in the grooves on the Gullo Gullos awesome debutskive, ’Raw Moon’.

the Rioters continued in elements from metal, but their ferocious sound strikes primarily sparks in the intersection between hardcore and artrock.

the Numbers are forever restless in a surprisingly well-produced sound, where the droning discouragement, and frenetiske støjudladninger rips and tears in the speakers.

’Raw Moon’, is a wasp’s nest and a vulkanagtig discharge of rage. It is the epitome of the Mayhem.

the Cover to the ‘Raw Moon, which is recorded at Mayhem in Copenhagen, where Gullo Gullo Saturday holds releasekoncert.