It turns out that the now convicted psychologist Morten Sveistrup Hecksher has an earlier behandlingsdom for the possession of weapons. But not only that, questioning whether he could be stopped earlier.
In P1-the documentary ‘The Perfect Victim 2’ it appears that Psykolognævnet first reacted, a full year after they received the complaint from the woman, as he now is convicted of abusing.
– I might have been an easy victim, because I have a history of many abuses, but that I should be broken by a psychologist, I trusted, I had never thought. I hope that you will take this complaint seriously and act on it, so it’s not going to happen for several, wrote the woman, among other things in the complaint, in which she also attached 792 text messages that documented the sexual relationship between her and the psychologist.
Psykologens TEXT
Here are a number of the over 100 messages that were in the complaint:
In practice, this means that your lord decides over you. You don’t have any choice but to do what you requested. Ex. come quickly to this and suck my dick.The Slave can give blowjob and be fucked like I want to. Everything else has no place. Obey and place the body.Will slave be set on to be fucked by more men? With the participation of me?Have been happy for *’s sublime piksutte ability. Will have the performance as often as possible. Like morgensutter and aftensutter.Quite square: I only do what I want and bother. Not the second. It * always be certain is to be exploited and abused. Show more Close
Psykolognævnet grants of P1, that the well-known Morten Sveistrup Heckshers behandlingsdom for gun ownership, when they received the complaint about the sexual exploitation in 2017.
In an email response, writes the tribunal, to the ‘in connection with the judgment for the possession of weapons received a “number of inquiries” regarding the psychologist’ and was contemplating to take his licence already then.
But despite several previous inquiries, a behandlingsdom as well as the fact that the board previously has considered to take his authorization, the acts Psykolognævnet not on the new complaint, and the 792 texting. The psychologist can therefore continue to treat the lægehenviste patients for taxpayers ‘ money. How he continues in over a year.
‘I had no longer a right to bear a name. I may no longer take decisions myself, because I was his property. I had to obey him blindly, I had to crawl naked around and lie in the fetal position, telling the injured woman, who goes by the name ‘Sara’ in the podcast, ‘The Perfect Offer2’. PHOTO: Anita Graversen
In ‘The Perfect Victim 2’ is the woman in the case above under the pseudonym ‘Sara’. Sara tells that she is calling to Psykolognævnet two months after she sent her complaint. Here she gets to know that the board will await a decision by Disciplinærnævnet before they ‘take a position on whether there is a basis to raise a certain supervisory matter.’ But they don’t have to wait.
– A case, which is about a psychologist having a sexual relationship with one of his patients, is as clear an expression of failing judgement. It would all the other places in the health service lead to a withdrawal of the licence, while one investigated the case, says associate professor in sundhedsjura Kent Kristensen.
the Woman sending the same complaint with the many sms-messages to the east Jutland Police, who choose to raise a charge. It is the accusation in February 2019 get Morten Sveistrup Hecksher convicted.
Health Disciplinærnævn have today – barely two years after the – not yet finalised sara’s complaint. They justify it with the fact that they here a ‘very large number of cases under treatment’.
Although Psykolognævnet in the first place have said, they would wait for the Disciplinærnævnets decision, choose the anyway in may 2018 to deprive the psychologist of his authorization. It is, however, about a year after Sara complained.
Psykolognævnet the reasons in the decision, that they estimate ‘that there is a risk that other clients can be leveraged’, and to the psychologist ‘present and imminent danger’. They put, among other issues, on a text, where the psychologist writes: ‘You are nothing more than a house slave’ and sara’s journal notes are, where it says that she was suicidal. Information which the tribunal had already in 2017, when Sara complained for over a year ago.
– It is a clear error, they do not interfere with the past. Psykologloven provides the opportunity to deprive the authorization, if the psychologist is imminent danger to patients. The condition is present on the basis of the information Psykolognævnet have already in 2017, says Kent Christensen, associate professor in the Sundhedsjura.
It was, according to the client here in Morten Sveistrup Heckhsers private apartment on the top floor, that he for several months, utilized and had sex with her. In the same building treated the psychologist lægehenviste patients in the clinic downstairs. PHOTO: Ernst van Norde
– He got a behandlingsdom, while I was in treatment by him. They know it. Psykolognævnet sitting with the papers – they know it! They get the sms check, where he writes the most insane things to me, and then smoking it just down in a drawer. I don’t really have words for it, says the injured woman, who is anonymous and goes by the name of Sara.
Psykolognævnets president, Sanne Baker, has not wanted to put up for interview either in P1 or Extra Magazine.
She has, through a press officer sent a brief written quote to P1, which says that the Psykolognævnet must deal with cases in a way ’so that there is certainty both for the clients and the psychologists’.
It is not only Psykolognævnet that in over a year have had the complaint lying without interfering; the psychologist should also be allowed to remain a member of the Danish psychological Association.
– It is uncomfortable. Why must I be a member of an association, where the criminals can also be a member? If you don’t change the procedure, I will consider whether I need to be a member in the future, it sounds from Sarah’s erhvervspsykolog, Karlo Merch. It was him who sent the complaint and the many sms-messages to the association’s Committee on Ethics.
When the Extra Leaf is to speak with Karlo Morch, the Danish Psychologist Association has maintained his complaint lying in barely two years, without it leading to consequences for the convicted psychologist.
– What I can understand, is frustrating. And I can also well understand that it looks critical from the outside. The explanation is, however, that the committee’s competence was not on par with the jurisdiction of the court and Psykolognævn, says the president of the association, Eva Secher.
‘This is a bad case for our position, and I can say that we strongly take very great distance from the psychologists who have sex with his clients, says Eva Secher, president of the Danish psychological Association. PHOTO: Thomas Lekfeldt
– I know well the type of argument. If you wait so long time, so it becomes indirect – regardless of what they say – something that recalls an acceptance. Association should be able to make an independent decision apart from the professional knowledge and ethical considerations, says the honourable member Karlo Morch, who complained in his time.
Also an associate professor in the Sundhedsjura Kent Kristensen is critical of the long delays.
– When you look at the purpose of trade associations, then it is to stand guard on the professional quality and ethics. They can easily sanction by excluding a member, and they have a real function and a responsibility they must take on themselves, he says.
– I can not comment on the specific case, but when the cases in general are of very serious nature, I do not believe that we can deal with them without waiting for the courts and Psykolognævnets decision. With the options we have, I think, it is hard to see how we could have acted differently, but I can well understand that we are prone to get criticism for it, says Eva Secher, who also informs that the association has launched an internal investigation of the complaint procedure.
Morten Sveistrup Hecksher has appealed the judgment, and although the Danish Psychologist Association will not comment on the specific case, write to the association in a mail, that they generally will wait for the court’s decision – including if a case is appealed. The psychologist is thus a member to this day, despite he is convicted in the district court for abusing his position to obtain sexual intercourse with a suicidal client.
even Though it is almost two years ago, the woman sent his complaint, and the case has been running for four different systems; the police, Psykolognævnet, Disciplinærnævnet and the Committee on Ethics during the Danish Psychologist Association – Morten Sveistrup Hecksher today still be a member of the trade association, call themselves a psychologist and treat clients.
Morten Sveistrup Hecksher has not wanted to speak to either P1 or Extra Magazine. He has appealed against the judgment, where he is sentenced to three months in prison and deprivation of the title “psychologist” in three years, and he can continue as a regular non-licensed psychologist until the high court’s decision.
Radiodokumentaren The Perfect Victim 2 can be heard here.
the Policy of Sex-sentenced psychologist can still practice
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