Hashim Thaci, President of Kosovo and former leader of the rebel army, KLA, has made his announcement come true. The previous disaster relief force is converted gradually into an army. In fact, this is to protect the order, in Kosovo and Serbia. The Parliament decision of the Kosovars for escalation on the political stage.

the Serbian and the Kosovan President, the lead at the same time secret negotiations about a land swap, in front of the UN security Council and publicly in the hair. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called the step a threat to the peace, he said, the Kosovars, the so-called “sovereign right” to a regular army. Thaci, who was enrolled at the time at a Swiss University, said that if Kosovo had made a mistake, then this, “that we have been waiting for five years to the creation of an army”. The Russians warn against this Background, in front of a “Situation that could explode at any time”.

What is the meaning of the tense situation for the 190-strong Swisscoy troops of the Swiss army in Kosovo? Life could be the cheerful soldiers, compared by critics with a foreign holiday, in Uniform, suddenly brought to a sudden end? What the Nato-led Kosovo force Kfor velvet Swisscoy in the case of a violent escalation? Stay or travel home?

VBS: “presence continues to be necessary”

the current position estimated by The defense Department in Bern: “the decision of The government of Kosovo has charged the political relations between Serbia and Kosovo. The case shows that the stabilizing presence of Kfor is still needed. Therefore, it is also useful, and in the direct interest of Switzerland, that, with the Swiss as a reliable Partner by the international community for their contribution to the stability in the Western Balkans.” The provision of the necessary messages from the potential crisis area is apparently guaranteed. “The VBS is informed about the situation in Kosovo at any time currently. The flow of information is ensured via the military intelligence service, the national talkback line, the Connections to the embassies in Belgrade and Pristina, as well as the Swiss military mission in the Nato”, calms the VBS.

to be happy Yes a Kosovo army: President Thaci about the success in the Parliament in Pristina. Photo: Keystone

And what happened, what nobody hopes, all of a sudden the guns speak again? VBS-head of Information Renato Kalbermatten explains, the Swisscoy was today, from the specialized elements, which have no mandate to fight, for their performance of the contract but for self-protection are not armed. “Just like during the Kosovo-wide riots in March 2014, the Swisscoy would also meet in the event of a heightened security situation of your orders. According to the Federal decree of 8. July 2017, the Federal Council has the competence, the Swisscoy increase in the case of a worsening security situation in terms of personnel with up to 20 security specialists. The use of would in this case, as in the Federal Council message of 23. November 2016 is set out, primarily, members of the special forces command.”

Swisscoy Mission soon to end?

Critical of the Bernese SVP national councillor and President of the Security Commission (SIK), Werner Salzmann observed, meanwhile, the Situation. He stated: “The UN mandate, on the Basis of the Kfor in Kosovo works, includes combat operations to stabilization.” The Swisscoy is not allowed to “participate according to our law,” however. Salzmann warns: “If it should actually come to an escalation, and a new armed conflict, then it would definitely make a reassessment.” Until then, the Swisscoy had to fulfill its current mandate. The current Swisscoy mandate expires in accordance with the decision of Parliament in the year 2020.

What is then? Salzmann says, “with regard to the use from 2020 onwards, we will include in the security policy commissions of the discussion in the next year, and then a determination of the location – because I don’t want to tire even the front yard. However, it is clear that the Swiss army can’t stay forever in Kosovo.” From his personal opinion Salzmann makes no secret of the fact: the question of whether The army should remain in Kosovo even after 2020 is still present, answered it with a resounding “no”. Personally he did not consider the Swisscoy Mission to be fulfilled.

“The international force is there to provide stability and to prevent an escalation.”Joachim Eder, Council of States (ZG)

For FDP security policy and the Council of States Joachim Eder (ZG) on the request no reason, the Swiss soldiers now and to rush out of Kosovo. Switzerland have due to very close Links to Kosovo, a significant interest in a stable Kosovo. Eder: “The unstable Kosovo, the higher the migration is, in fact, pressure from there to Switzerland. Almost ten percent of all citizens of Kosovo and Kosovars living in Switzerland. Therefore, there is now no reason for the international military presence to be withdrawn. The international force is there to provide stability and to prevent an escalation.” And Eder says, “if you would, at the first sign, the voltage is increased back, you would not fulfill your order.”

if there is armed violence between the warring Serbs and the Kosovars, see Eder also clear: “the tensions with Serbia, in fact, the threshold of an armed conflict, or even exceed, should the United States pull back. But so far it is not yet. To prevent this, is the task of the international presence. However, if, in fact, a war is looming, then it is up to the Federal Council to respond in a timely manner.” (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 19.12.2018, 19:28 PM