three more days until Christmas eve. Three more days to get gifts for relatives, friends and beloved. The Last-Minute Christmas shopping didn’t go with Some of the Tradition, just as it belongs to the city – to the Internet.

Two-thirds of the consumers in Switzerland will make your Christmas shopping prefer on-site at the retailer than online. A survey by the consulting firm EY found. The purchase by the click of a mouse is more convenient: customers can order around the clock and from home gifts, with no through crowded inner cities must fight. Many consumers appreciate that they can be consulted in the retail trade and the goods are easier to evaluate. In addition, the products are directly available, and you save the shipping costs.

Three out of five respondents said that the pre-Christmas Shopping experience in the city or in the shopping centre is very important for you. The battered retail sector benefits. For him, the run-up to Christmas is the most important time of the year. Department stores now account for about 30 percent of their annual sales, game stores were even up to 60 percent.

In the center of the Christmas shopping, the main shopping street of the city, Zurich is the Bahnhofstrasse. It was inaugurated in 1863 as a connecting Boulevard from the parade square to the train station and made off with the advent of Department stores as a renowned shopping street.

in 1892, Josef Weber on the paper growing island of the “J. Webers Bazaar”, which were one of the first great Department stores in Switzerland, a variety of trade under one roof and at a fixed price offered. From the Bazar of today’s globe. Seven years later, the fashion retailer Jelmoli built your house, the glass Palace, after the Parisian model at its present location, on the former Site of the Seidenhöfe. Soon competitors such as Julius Brann (now the Manor), the Annahof and later Modissa followed.

The advent of Department stores coincides with Zurich’s jump to the big city. Around 1900, the Western part of the old town to the City, and the Bahnhofstrasse developed as a promenade with shops of the upscale demand and huge display Windows, as in the case of silk-Grieder, Franz Carl Weber or Sprüngli.

The temples of consumerism could not afford at the time, but everyone. Almost half of their money, the households gave at the beginning of the 20th century. Century for food. A lot of money to waste where the cost of living, and the clothing. Other consumer goods were a luxury.

However, the so-called shopping cart, so the composition of the typical products consumed has changed greatly over time. The Department stores had to adapt to new buying habits of the customer.

food, for example, have lost for the wallet is clearly important. In 2018, only about 10 percent of the expenditure budgets of their available money. In the case of apparel, a similar downward trend is observed. The expenditure for Housing and energy more than doubled to 29 percent. And today, people spend a much larger share of their money for transport (car, public TRANSPORT subscription), as well as body and health care.

As a gift, food and confectionery, but still the most popular. Three-quarters of the Swiss place, according to the EY survey under the Christmas tree. Also, often books or E-Books are bought, and toys, as well as money and gift vouchers which are given away by every second Person.

an Average of 310 francs, want to spend the Swiss 2018 for Christmas gifts – more than in the past few years. 114 Swiss francs in specialized stores and only 46 Swiss francs online will be spent according to the survey, expected to 126 francs in the Department store, respectively, a shopping center.

The purchase of the houses thus still have the largest market share of the Christmas business. And thus, put even more on experience-concepts such as special promotions, events, or small Christmas markets, to lure customers increasingly into the business. Earlier, when there was no online trading, everything was easier for the Department stores. The Christmas lighting was for the most customer incentive enough for a stroll through the city.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 21.12.2018, 13:06 Uhr