– It will be made hereby lawful for the motorcykelister (hereafter MC), to be used out of the drive between the rows (merge/weave) in the traffic, queues and slow moving traffic on the motor-, countries-, head-, trunk roads, in urban areas, as well as driving in bus lanes, where it can be done without danger to others and themselves.

How to write the people behind the borgerforslaget’s Amendment to the amendment of the færdelsloven which motorcycles are allowed to run between the traffic, at slow or stationary traffic’, since it was possible to support it, has received backing from more than 3500 voters danes.

It is Pure R, who has authored the proposal, which in his eyes is distinguished by NOT have to cost a penny – on the contrary, he believes that it will ensure that people are going faster and safer. today, it is namely such that MC’s are only allowed to overtake to the left if there is room. And it is that rare.

You can read the entire proposal below, and you can support it here (remember NemID). If there are more than 50,000 supports in d. August 18, smoking the proposal in the Danish Parliament.

Amendment to the amendment of the færdelsloven which motorcycles are allowed to run between the traffic, at slow or stationary traffic.

It is made hereby lawful for the motorcykeliser (then moved the MC), to be used out of the drive between the rows (merge/weave) in the traffic, queues and slow moving traffic on the motor-, countries-, head-, trunk roads, in urban areas, as well as driving in bus lanes, where it can be done without danger to others and themselves

1. Motorcyclists (Hereafter MC) can make the braid, at stationary and slow moving traffic (slow moving traffic is defined as the max. 80 km/h on the motorway – max 60 km/h at 80 km/h on motor-vehicle traffic, land, and roads – max 40 km/h in the city)

2. The braid should always be done with a custom speed, and not exceeding 25 km/h faster than the moving traffic, on the engine, land, motor-vehicle traffic and main roads. In urban areas, the permitted 50 km/h or posted speed cannot be exceeded

3. MC must merge, if this happens with 40 km/h or less on the motor – motor-vehicle traffic – and the main road of stationary traffic

4. MC may only merge at the queue in urban areas, and traffic lights if this happens with 25km/h or under, and the permitted 50 km/h or the posted speed shall not be exceeded.

5. The MC must comply with all other existing highway code, when merging

6. MC must not make the braid at the side of the curb is against the sidewalk and bike path

7. The braid should always be left on, or between the rows. There must not be run right on the far right lane

8. MC should show particular vigilance near heavy vehicles or buses.

9. MC shall not merge along the parked vehicles.

10. MC is only allowed to merge, when this is done properly

11. Violation of the speed punishable by a fine of 2,000 DKR, as well as a cut in licence

12. It is illegal for the MC to weave in skolezoner. A violation punishable by a fine of 2,000 DKR, as well as a clip in the kørekorte

13. MC must show particular concern for pedestrians and cykellister in urban areas

14. It is made lawful for MC to use the bus lanes, when this can be done without to be a nuisance for the buses.

Studies from Berkeley university shows that the security be increased for motorcyclists.

‘A study from the University of California, Berkeley, shows that motorcyclists running between the traffic, are significantly less likely to be hit from behind by other drivers and less likely to suffer head or torsoskader, write the American Motorcyclist Association.

the Researchers, led by Dr. Thomas Rice from the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC), examined nearly 6,000 motorcycle-involved trafikkollisioner between June 2012 and august 2013, including the 997, where motorcykellister split lanes at the time of the time of the accident.

‘One of the perhaps most dangerous situations for any motorcyclist is being caught in congested traffic, where stop-and-go vehicles, distracted and inattentive drivers, and drivers, and road conditions increases the risk of physical contact with another vehicle,” said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president for regeringsrelationer.
‘To reduce the motorcyklistens exposure for the vehicles, which often accelerates and decelerates on congested roads, can be a way to reduce the bagkollisioner for the most vulnerable in the traffic.’

Among U. C. Berkeley’s findings:

– the Drive between the traffic, if it happens in a traffic, which moves at ca. 80 km/h or less, and if bikers do not exceed the other the speed of vehicles with more than approx. 25 km/h

69 percent of motorcyclists that drivers between the rows, and did not exceed the traffic speed by 25 km/h or less was not associated with changes in the frequency of damage

– Compared with motorcykellister not split the tracks, were the bikers who raced between the traffic significantly less likely to suffer head injuries (9 percent versus 17 percent), torsoskade (19 percent versus 29 percent), or fatal injury (1,2 percent against 3 percent)

– Motorcykelister that ran between the traffic was significantly less likely to be rear than motorcykellister running between the traffic (2.6 percent to 4.6 percent)

– Bikers who raced between the traffic were more likely to wear a full helmet than other motorcyclists (81 percent vs. 67 percent)

– Compared with other motorcyclists who run often on weekdays and at rush hours use better helmets and drove at slower speeds.

– Motorcykellister that ran between the traffic were less likely to have consumed alcohol.

‘These results support our position that once the responsible motorcykellister that runs between the traffic it is a more secure and efficient kørselsteknik, which can be beneficial for both motorcyclists and drivers,” said Allard. ‘It eases the congestion by taking the bikers out of the queue of cars and trucks. And exercise increases safety by providing motorcykelcyklister the opportunity to avoid the risk of rear end collisions at stop or slow traffic.’

Motorcykelbanespaltning is a common practice in many countries all over the world – especially in the highly urbanized areas of Europe and Asia. For a long time been recognized as a way to relieve traffic congestion and reduce the risk of accidents, remain practice, however, virtually banned in the UNITED states, with California currently the exception.

Source: Borgerforslag.dk