In the North of the free state you are not to speak anyway, well to the South. However, in Swiss francs, and now the upper Bair holds of the catchment, is similar to a language decline.

commentary by Claudia Henzler

Kilian Moritz is a Franke who maintains quite sympathetic to the Bavarian dialects. “I hear that,” he says, absolutely convincing. But at least as he likes to listen to stop the rhön, fränkische his place of birth, or even the main-Franconia in Würzburg is spoken. And so he watched with growing Irritation as the upper Bavarian in Swiss francs, always fashionable and the Swiss francs without any Need to abolish their own language, if you write, for example, in the tradition of the local “meat patties” and “Obazdn” on menus instead of “Fleischküchli” and “Plucked”.

Now discovered, the University Professor at the Wurzburg Christmas market also “oven-fresh Rahmfleckerl”, which is in complete contradiction to the Bavarian Betper diminutive form are advertised as “Franconian answer to Pizza”. You can let this stand, found Moritz and denounced the language of decay in the würzburg main post, which awarded him the honorary title of “champion for the Franconian”.

Moritz was a long time in Radio, and today teaches about the media and aware of the Power of the public word. In the past few days, he could enjoy plenty of positive feed back. Because of the “Bavarian imperialism”, it says so in a Mail, stinks of some Swiss francs in a long time. As a language policeman wants to know Moritz, however, is not understood. Language is changeable, he says, no one should speak in dialect. But the Franks curry favor with a white and blue image, and Wine festivals pseudo-Bavarian sing, the not should be now really. He wants Swiss francs, more self-confidence.

you could use actually. It doesn’t have to be the arrogance of upper Bavaria, the customer in front of the counter with a sign rebuke (“says Hello”) or derogatory to people look down, their ancestors were without fault born outside of old Bavaria. The idea, to revile Newcomers as a Main-Preißn, would not the franc anyway. Actually, it would be nice if the upper Bavaria would also learn a few things from the Swiss franc.