Actually, characterizes the circle of 4 that it is a few sixth-graders to the high school. When it comes to where and what schools bring the children to the Gymnasium, traditionally the gold coast communities of the rankings. Rich parents bring children to the grammar school. The Gymiquote is there at 40 percent. At the other end of the scale, rural communities such as Feuerthalen or Humlikon, in which not even one thirtieth sixth grader find the secondary school attended. So far, so good.

An analysis of the Tamedia-data teams now shows: These statistics covered a lot. And the result for the Chräis Chäib falls suddenly different. For a less biased ranking of the social environment of the municipalities and districts must be taken into account. “The reference to the social circumstances reflects the reality much better than naked crossing numbers,” says Carsten Quesel, education sociologist at the University of applied Sciences North-Western Switzerland. So, would a new image. School districts, which should bring a few children to the grammar school, a cut above expectations. Evident in the School district Limmattal, the circuit 4 belongs. to capture

the social burden, used by the data team, the so-called social index, and calculated a statistical model for the past seven years. It would say for the School district Limmattal is a transfer rate of 6 per cent, advance, in fact, this is at 11.7 percent. This means that almost twice as many children find the way to the Gymi than expected.

communication with parents

To visit to the school-house core between long-road and the bakery plant: is A child after strolling into the classroom, the teacher Hand – eight nationalities and 15 different first languages. The fifth-graders pore over mathematical expressions. “We are a school, like many others,” says school Director Katja Röthlin. And yet she explains the good performance with features. No teacher was randomly hired here, she says. It’s all highly committed teachers, who had sought this environment in the city of circle 4. Here am not working strictly according to guidelines, because the children were not in a concept of constraints. An experienced, harmonizes team of teachers, the concern for Constance, the children’s safety, and “some even have a bit of a Home offers a to add to come,” said Röthlin.

Overall, the reasons for a good performance are many and varied, such as interviews with teachers, head teachers, school leaders or education experts. Sure is: It is more than just a better school preparation. Possible success factors with deep roots. For example, in school climate: a Lot of hanging by the Interplay of teaching and managing people, says Quesel. A productive Interplay Shine on the children, and are the Basis for good communication with the parents.

in the Canton of compulsory lessons for English as a second language (DAZ) from paying off the tuition for all the children of “non-German first language”. Because DAZ-teachers could incorporate their Knowledge in other subjects and a math task so formulated that no child fails to Understand. In addition, schools will be admitted with a foreign language share from 40 per cent in the Canton of Zurich in the program “quality in multicultural schools” and receive additional funds and technical support. In total, there are 120 such schools in the Canton, in the Limmat valley all include almost. The school-house core.

But not for long. Because the former workers ‘ district converts. 20 years ago, the families moved out of here as soon as the children of the school were liable for The nearby red-light district and the drug scene in the bakery plant have prepared fear. Today, a cafe is open after the other, homes are being renovated luxurious, migrant families move away, new children, their parents, teacher and the architect are on the inside. This change is one reason for the good performance of the Limmattals.

Also, with the index expected Social the rich communities from the cut at the Zurich mountain in the gold coast communities continues to be good. “Traditionally, high prosperity combined with traditionally high expectations of Success and a high affinity between the school and parents,” says education sociologist Quesel. But there are municipalities that disappoint. In Kappel, a. a., for example, has changed according to the education statistics in the past seven years of no child to the Langzeitgymi. Here and in other rural municipalities, such as Turbenthal also the long distance to school plays a role. For some twelve years, it represents a hurdle, it takes rather two years later. And children at the North Canton border as Feuerthalen, the cantonal school in Schaffhausen, in front of, according to the education Directorate. These fall out from the statistics.

At the other end

But why is it that many of the remaining municipalities, the statistical expectations remain so? For example, Andelfingen: The municipality has the same entry rate as the city, School district Limmattal, but carries less social burden. 2200 inhabitants, the voters-strongest party, the SVP. Here we will visit the village school house, the pupils from kleinandelfingen open. It is break time, children play football and bounce on the mats. It rings, the teacher prepares his fourth-graders on the pending dictation. He writes not on the Board, but with a pen on a huge Tablet.

Each child of the ten-headed half of the class speak at home. Only two to three students would have to take place in the first class the DAZ lessons, says school Director Barbara Thalmann. “I’m surprised we have the same quota as the Limmattal.” One reason could be the distant high school. Although it is by public TRANSPORT in 30 minutes at the cantonal school in Winterthur, but some parents kept their children at the age of 13 prefer to stay in the village and they sent only after the second sec at the Canton school. Actually, the transfer rates from the sec are slightly higher than those of the Limmattals.

Thalmann want to let the possible explanation of less dedicated school staff do not apply. Instead, the trained primary school teacher, leads the trust to the education system: “many see the value of the apprenticeship, and the possibility of later learning.” This Tradition was very valuable, says Carsten Quesel: “The attractiveness of the apprenticeship, but it can also mean that gifted children come from uneducated families never the idea to find the way to the Gymi.” This could lead to cases in which the Status of the parents affects more than the individual talent.

staff: Patrick Meier


Created: 16.04.2019, 22:37 PM