at the end of January, the third year of a wayward US President breaks the Zenith of his Power, but Donald Trump has exceeded already. He ruled for two years with Republican majorities in both chambers of Congress, the democratic house of representatives will cause him in the future, considerable trouble.

The entertainment value of Trump’s presidency will remain high due to the circus atmosphere in the White house for the incumbent, but it will be in 2019, barely comfortable. The Democrats in the house of representatives will make its Administration as the U.S. Constitution requires under the supervision of, new investigations of the judiciary and the intelligence Committee put the President under pressure.

trump is a good Chance that the Democrats take over and he is going to look like Bill Clinton in 1998 as a victim of political machinations. Clinton’s popularity ratings increased after the unsuccessful Impeachment in the Wake of the Lewinsky affair, the Democrats experienced in the midterm elections of 1998, even slight gains. On the other hand, Trump will respond to a new investigation in Congress, possibly, hysterical and covered and thus once more the impression is not awaken, he was right-in comfort.

Video: This lie tells Trump to the most common In two years in office the US President has made about 7000 false statements. (Video: AFP/CNN/White House/Tamedia)

In the coming year will also show what has exposed Russia-special investigator Robert Mueller. In a best-case scenario for the President the vexing investigation is not over, but done Once and for all, the accusation that Trump and his staff of 2016, entered into a conspiracy with Moscow. It would be possible that such a conspiracy has never come to anything, because Team Trump responded completely amateurish on Russian advances and offers.

the Tumult in Washington?

This would be the President off the hook, surely he would make this his political opponents as well as him hostile media for a week know and accuse you, would you want to take advantage of a trifle, to drive him from office. Mueller, however, will find it tight for Donald Trump: Calls for an indictment in the Congress of the turmoil in Washington would be to would be louder.

Under these circumstances, it would be a 2019 weakening economy is particularly dangerous: they would weaken the President in addition, his base is probably on a hard core of about a third of the electorate melt. This in turn could allow Republican Congress members to break publicly with Trump, even at the risk that the Republican base would choose these rebels in intra-party primaries from their Offices.

A sagging of the economy or even a recession, and the associated turmoil in the markets could be a political disaster compaction, if the President, on top of that, new scandals or sensational revelations charged. What would hire a such a way in the Close-driven Donald Trump, it’s hard to imagine. It gave the US, but certainly exciting times, as she experienced the country, not least during the twilight of the gods of the Nixon Administration in 1973 and 1974.

One thing is for sure: Donald Trump will continue to surprise us in 2019, he will shake head and Fears about the state of the U.S.-democracy cause. The peak of his political Power, but this President has exceeded. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 29.12.2018, 20:03 PM