Many of the new High-Definition television devices, the so-called “Motion Smoothing is pre-installed”. The image processing of reducing a fuzzy Set by increasing the frame rate. So, especially sports transmissions are smoother. The technique, however, also has a side effect: expensive Hollywood productions and often artificial and flat, because they were only filmed at 24 frames per second. the By David Steinitz

Tom Cruise is wearing a pilot uniform, even if it has to do with his Mission, in this case, nothing. The Hollywood star turns, just the Blockbuster “Top Gun: Maverick,” the continuation of the old cinema hits, “Top Gun” in 1986. And in a break from filming, he added quickly in a costume of a Video that he published on Thursday on its Twitter channel.

in it, he explains that filmmaker Christopher McQuarrie, who co-wrote the script of “Top Gun”sequel, and Cruise has staged, among other things, in “Mission: Impossible – Fallout”, which is something many film fans busy at home, Why the hell do expensive Hollywood movies that were shot for many millions of dollars with sophisticated technology to see sinful, on modern TVs often as if you have Accidentally activated a cheap the eve of the series?

The phenomenon occurs on new, High-resolution, High-Definition TVs, and carries in colloquial language, in fact, the name “Soap effect”. In technical language it is called “Motion Interpolation” or “Motion Smoothing”. This is a Form of image processing, which explains how to Cruise in his Video with a serious voice, “in the majority of the HD equipment already

game movies suddenly Betpark look artificial, flat and pale

it reduces blurring and stutter effects, to create a smooth and fluid appearance. It works by using Motion-Smoothing the original image with the rate of a movie the classic way is 24 pictures per second by an algorithm is calculated.

The technology has been around for some years, calculated from the before and following images, additional images inserted in between. All of the movements, backgrounds, contrasts, and possible a change of perspective to be taken into account.

This increases the frequency of the sequence drastically. You can refer to the process as a technical achievement, because, for example, sports broadcasts, for which the Motion Smoothing primarily is made, are much improved. And because a lot of people new TV purchase, especially for sports devices, there are many manufacturers at the time of delivery in the preferences.

The thing, But, as Cruise says in his Video: “also, an unfortunate side-effect.” Game movies filmed at 24 frames per second, and now on up to 50, 60 frames-per-second high-tuned, suddenly artificial, flat, and pale – just like a cheap Soap. This is due to the fact that movie pictures to follow are much more to be added more complicated than other content. The algorithm is often unable to cope.

The frequency of the problem has always been there when TV versions of movies, because TV stations generally work with a higher frame rate than cinema. Therefore, movies in TV are also shorter than in the cinema, you are simply sent faster. But as violently as the Motion Smoothing, it was just never. Therefore, Cruise and McQuarrie are asking in your short Clip, the audience, to googling your TV model, to change the settings so that Hollywood look movies at home back to Hollywood movies. This is the message you send, of course, entirely altruistic, but because these days your common action film “Mission: Impossible – appears to be Fallout” on DVD and Blu-Ray. In fact, the Motion Smoothing is but also many other artists a thorn in the eye. Rian Johnson, the Director of “Star Wars – The last Jedi” referred to the procedure as a “liquid diarrhea”.

And the Directors Christopher Nolan (“Dunkirk”) and Paul Thomas Anderson (“There Will Be Blood”) appealed in an open letter to the manufacturers to address the issue. In it they wrote: “Modern TV devices have exceptional technical skills. It is important that we take advantage of these new technologies, so that the viewers see at home, our work as close as possible to our original artistic intent.”