With a bow and arrow against the wild boar plague shortly after the southwestern border of the city of Berlin: The municipality of Stahnsdorf (Potsdam-Mittelmark) has applied to the Brandenburg state Ministry for the environment, a special permit so that hunter may have succumbed to the end of 2020, wild pigs in the traditional way. A corresponding request will be processed at the Ministry. The animals can’t be shot for safety reasons, in the inhabited place with the rifle.
Indeed, would be awarded each year, special permits, hunters are allowed to shoot on some areas, but the risk is usually too large, to meet people, said municipality spokesman Stephan Reitzig. The bow hunting is banned under the Federal hunting law since 1976. From the Ministry of the environment, you can be allowed, however, in exceptional situations, for certain hunters. The hunter must have experience with this hunting method.
The German hunting Association refused to bow hunting to date
In densely populated areas, it must also give a waiver that will allow wild pigs may be killed. This is also for hunting with the gun is necessary, in Stahnsdorf has been previously granted is usually for a limited time.
The German hunting Association rejected, however, because the rebound behaviour is completely unclear, especially in settlements. Some hunters see hunting with the bow and arrow considerably less danger for other people, as in hunting with the rifle.
hunting with the bow had been forbidden, because the animal rights activists feared that the arrows could not be with sufficient force shot, and the animals would have to suffer needlessly. The German bow hunting Association refers to the fact that the bow hunting in 17 European countries as an additional method. A skilled hunter could take on the maximum distance of 25 meters, the size of a palm.
The power of today’s arrows to be significantly higher, my supporters
Also in Madrid had been made with the bow and arrow in an urban area a good experience. In a two-month pilot project, hundreds of animals were killed. Proponents point out that the strength of the current sheets is clearly higher, the death of the animal occur in the specific shot so quickly.
In the elfseitigen correspondence of the municipality, a hunting tenant, and the Ministry is also advised of the risk of the spread of African swine fever in the municipality area. Although no official decision of the Ministry has been to the archery granted. Given the high level of feral pig population but, according to the Ministry of alternative methods of hunting in the densely populated area are considered.
Kleinmachnow checks for the hunters to pay in the future, 50 Euro per kill wild boar
“among these alternative methods is the use of Saufängen and bow hunting, among other things,” explains the Ministry. The Saufänge are live traps, which wants to buy Stahnsdorf. A permit to do so is already available. The municipality is also considering a premium for the shot, but not economically exploitable animals. Kleinmachnow checks for the hunters to pay in the future, 50 Euro per kill wild boar.
In Stahnsdorf, Kleinmachnow and Teltow is the wild boar density is very high. Although the animals tend to be on the edge of the municipalities. Recently, however, through residential areas, pulling pork Otten had caused quite a stir. Also, gardens are regularly devastated. At the beginning of February, a wild boar in a hairdressing salon was crashed, it destroyed the device. The pig was injured and leaves a blood trail.
Stahnsdorfs mayor proposes, the wild pigs easy-to-eat
Stahnsdorfs mayor Bernd Albers (citizens for citizens) is still an idea – the food of wild pigs. For the local traditional restaurant “Waldschänke”, which has been around since the 1920s, is looking for a operator. This will give Bernd Albers, a clear edition: at Least three wild boar dishes in the future on the menu. The paragraph of the flesh is to be increased.
The wild boar, the gardens of the Region, ransacked, could be soon eaten by those garden owners with relish. Then the Stahnsdorfer and your guests could schänke “with your choice on the menu when you visit the forest contribute to the demand for wild pig meat increases”. The only Problem: The current prospects for the Local pulled out due to tighter regulations.
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wild animals in the big city Of Berlin needs to come up with the wild pigs clear
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