Police in Wyoming have launched a full investigation after a woman in the 60 years was found dead in his home in Sortland on Saturday evening. The woman’s roommate, a man in the 50 years, is charged with gross kroppskrenkelse to death. It enlightens operasjonsleder Tom Ove Hammer to the Newspaper.

It was a bekymringsmelding from a family member of the deceased who did that police responded to the residence where the deceased and the defendant lived. The woman who called the police should have tried to get contact with the deceased without success.

We turned out on the basis of this. When we got to the place we were greeted by a man who said the woman was dead, ” says Hammer.

Arrests in residence

After having been examined by the doctor, the woman was declared dead on the spot. The police will currently not go out with when they think she has lost her life.

the Conditions in the residence did the police went to the arrest of the man in 50-years. Both he and the deceased shall be kjenninger by the police.

a Full investigation

the Police on Sunday initiated a full investigation and are working to collect clues and information. It is also sent extra resources in the form of krimteknikere from Bodø to implement åstedsundersøkelse.

– So far it is conducted rundspørring in the area to examine whether there is made observations relevant to the case. Efforts are made fully with the matter, says operasjonslederen.

The dead woman will bi obdusert in the course of Monday. Then it will also be held fengslingsmøte for the defendant.