the ANSWER ON the CLIMATE-CRITICISM : Ingvil Smines (Frp) was called unsuitable, here she says. Reporter: Jørgen D E”. Video: John Terje Pedersen / Dagbladet Show more Show more

It is in a portrait in Dagens Næringsliv that Ingvil Smines tells whether the e-mail exchange between her and Erna Solberg in the aftermath of the terrorist attack 22. July 2011.

the Background was that Erna Solberg had discussed Smines’ husband Christian Tybring-gjedde, member of parliament for the progress party, as “one with extreme views” in an interview with Ullern Avis.

the Entire e-mail exchange between the Smines and Solberg is reprinted in Tybring-Gjeddes book “While the orchestra continued to play” (2014, p. 214-216).

“I will direct the unwell of your claim about my husband, “Christian Tybring-gjedde is a man with extreme views””, start Smines e-mail exchange with.

“You as leader of the party Right should know far better than to attempt to make political capital directly aimed at a person in a very sensitive and difficult situation like the one we as a nation are up in the now!” type Smines on.

– the Progress on the way towards the underpass Demanded an apology

In a later email, writing Smines that “I think an apology is in its place. Had you put you into what my man actually stands for, would you both be pleasantly surprised and hopefully ashamed of your own preconceptions”.

Smines requires that Solberg is out in Ullern Avis and sorry. Solberg replies that she has been in contact with the newspaper, and that they write an apology of the word extreme.

In the book to the Christian Tybring-gjedde says that this regret never came from Solberg.

Erna: – Used the wrong term

Erna Solberg says the following about the emails to the Newspaper today:

– the Newspaper (Ullern Avis, journ.anm.) used a term in the article that was not suffice for what I had said. And the quote was set in a context that was wrong. When I got in touch with the newspaper corrected the article, write Erna Solberg in a text message to the Newspaper.

Tired of being the “wife of Christian”: I am feminist Newspaper Plus

– Ingvil is an accomplished minister and I look forward to working with her in the future, end Well.

Christian Tybring-gjedde, Smines’s husband, felt that he was the victim of multiple attacks for their views in the aftermath of the 22. July-the attack. Among other things, was his famous Aftenposten op – “Dream of Disneyland” from the 2010 drawn up as a contribution to the hatred of the Labour party.

Tybring-gjedde jerked out in Aftenposten in august 2011 and apologized for the foul language in the article.


Smines says she was pissed at Erna Solberg when the couple felt that the Right leader helped to increase the pressure against Tybring-gjedde.

To Solberg wrote Smines that Erna Solberg could come to be ashamed.

DN ask about Smines and Solberg have been friends again:

I’m sitting here, ” she says, and turns, smiling out his arms.

– We’ve talked about it, we have forgiven each other. As a politician you can not be langsint. Erna said; “Ingvil, you are a tigermor”. It is true. I protect all my close, not just family. But it is not often I temporary differences out any. And perhaps I should not do so much longer, ” says Smines to DN.

Dagbladet today says Smines the following:

– This I have put behind me. I think also the prime minister has. I have a good relationship with Erna and I am looking forward to working for her and this government in the best possible way, type samfunnssikkerhetsminister Ingvil Smines in a text message to the Newspaper

Skrekktall for Erna