You might think that your old toys must be very old, be a special edition, or just be almost impossible to get fat on, if it must be more than five flat ears worth.

But then you can think again, because according to the Lego-expert, Henry Lucas, you can easily have valuable Lego lying on the nursery or in the attic. the

This write-DBA Guide, along with expert has a total of seven examples of gold in the Lego-disguise.

Photo: DBA Guide

Vestas has even gotten Lego to fabricate the 20,000 Lego wind turbines as they subsequently have distributed to customers, hiring, and business associates. And the wind turbines today are worth the money.

– I will shoot for 95 percent of the 20,000 wind turbines, which were made, are still located in Denmark. They are made in a sufficiently low number that the today can be sold for a fine value, says Henry Lucas, who even once has got the 3,500 kroner to sell one of the turbines to a foreign collector.

Generally tell Henry Lucas that you can often get the most money for your Lego by selling to foreign buyers. And if you can sell the box, you can put at least 500 dollars in addition to the price.

As a rule of thumb is a Lego-block is only worth anything if it comes in a set. As such, you can not stand with a single block in your hand and expect that you can sell this one. And yet.

– If you have one or more sandgrønne Lego blocks, then you can today sell each block for about 20 dollars apiece. It is not actually the color of the block that makes it special, but all the sandgrønne blocks have a special goal, and it’s what makes these blocks special, tells Henry Lucas to the DBA Guide.

the Block has 1×8 buds and was released only in connection with the fact that Lego produced a frihedsgudinde in Lego. Normal Lego bricks have 2X8 studs.

now, When you are in the process of rooting your blocks through a block in the sandgrønne color, so check out on you in the context, dug gold. There are also some very special guldklodser, which today can be worth money.

– It is a drag in a very special guldfarve, and then have the block 2X4 studs. The block was in a special set, so there is much between them,” says Henry Lucas to the DBA Guide.

If you have a block, which, by an error in production has been multicolored so it can also be worth money, so is you automatic cash machine with a rare block. the

Lego has released a volkswagen, which today has risen sharply in value. Folkevognen cost around 800-900 dollars in stores, and today assesses Henry Lucas, the Lego car is between 5,000-6,000 dollars worth. The car was the first that was made in Legos folkevogns-series.

Photo: DBA Guide

the Harry Potter Lego is about to blossom in new, and, therefore, predicts Henry Lucas that the figures in Lego’s Harry Potter releases are worth more than they are today.

– today you can as a minimum get double up on what you bought the Harry Potter Lego for at the time, which is a small profit. It is something Lego, which is incredibly easy to get sold today, because there is tremendous many, in demand for the Harry Potter Lego, says Henry Lucas.

in General, you can expect to earn on Legos særudgivelser as, for example, Star Wars, Lego, or Disney-Lego. the

It is not only old Lego, which will become many money’s worth. In connection with the new Star Wars movies released Lego Star Wars ship ’Millennium Falcon’ built in blocks, and it should probably turn out to be a good profit, if you were one of those who bought it.

– the Sets were sold for 7,000 dollars with Lego, but I imagine it increases in value. Also because the set has already been sold out,” says Henry Lucas to the DBA Guide.

Photo: DBA Guide

Henry Lucas speaks from experience when he assesses the set. He has owned throughout the two-Lego-set, which writes the story, and as he earned money on. Henry Lucas has been the owner of two Taj Mahal-Legosæt, which is the set consisting of the most Lego blocks. The whole 5.922 blocks required for building the sumptuous palace.

I bought the palace for 2,000 crowns per piece, since it came out. It was wildly popular, and I could sell this one unopened, for 18.000 dollars, tells Henry Lucas to the DBA Guide.

today is the price at the Palace, however, has decreased tremendously, because Lego the 27. november 2017 chose to republish the set.

Lego-set with sætnumre, starting with 10,000 is a lot of money worth telling the expert. Here is a Legosæt, which now is for sale at DBA. Photo: DBA Guide