The noise protection Ordinance of the Federal government say it clearly: A city needs to protect its residents and residents from excessive traffic noise. The limits must not be exceeded. The Zurich city Council decided in August of last year, the project road noise, to calm the 40 in a particularly noisy road sections in districts 1, 4 and 5.
The VCS was with this project, however, disagree. He criticised the fact that only a small part of this street the noise of Central sections should be reduced, reduced maximum speed. Only 24’000 noise-plagued residents, not even 20% of those Affected, the benefit of Tempo 30. The most should be content, however, with the installation of noise protection Windows.
The VCS, but wants to eliminate the Problem at the source: He calls for more Tempo-30-zones, and moved before the construction appellate court. This shares the view of the VCS. The appeal was fully approve, it says in the ruling that was released today Friday. The city Council decision of August 2018, is hereby repealed.
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The city Council had argued that it is often not possible to reduce the pace to 30. Either because it is a matter of cantonal roads or because the roads otherwise the public transport to much would brakes. (hub/sda)
Created: 22.03.2019, 11:53 PM