Paul Mersonin is to make a documentary, which is presented to the ITV channels next week. In the Arsenal-legend tells of a life of the hardest times.Game addiction, despite Paul Merson care työvelvoitteensa football expert. AOP

ITV’s programme Harry’s Heroes tells the story of 13 england’s former stars, who are trying to get in shape manager Harry Redknappin coaching.

One of them is a true Arsenal legend, Paul Merson , which will experience a breakdown during the program.

Merson previously told they have wasted on booze, drugs and betting for seven million pounds in the 1990s. Now the man is again faced bookmakers snares.

– I have problems in my life, bad problems, the 50-year-old Merson told the program’s producers.

– my Life is falling apart. Gambling… I’m completely lost control of my. Dig myself a hole where I can’t get out. This is the worst addiction in the world.

Cocaine and booze unhindered for years pulled out mersonin for game addictive the worst status is not.

– It is so tiring, that it is incredible. It is mentally exhausting to sit and think, where can I get more money for this. It is literally as if you were a crack addict, exactly. But crack you can use this money. It is impossible.

football expert a working man wrote on Twitter that he has received a lot of good luck messages after that, when the teaser came out.

He told the Daily Star newspaper that he came back to AA.

Mersonin career ended in 2006.

Source: The Sun

If the embed doesn’t show, you can watch it here.

Paul Merson (pictured right) was seen on the field hyökkäjän and the midfield player’s role. AOPPaul Merson photographed in 2006. epa/aop