Kjell Asplund with the several writes that the law on abortion should be changed, then there is a risk that viable fetuses are aborted. They argue that not lowering the current threshold for late abortion (21 months + 6 days). After this time the fetus attained human dignity, which is sakrosankt.
It is curious, that no neurologists, obstetrician-gynecologist or a pediatrician has been a member of the working group, which developed the proposal. Ingemar Engström, however, is child psychiatrist and expert on medical ethics.
What I especially miss is a discussion of when human life begins or when the fetus is mature enough to be able to become a child. Previously was abortgränsen to 28 weeks, because the lungs then is so immature that it was not possible to survive. With the introduction of medical treatment and, increasingly, advanced respiratory care, foetal of which are born in week 22 survive outside the womb. With the development of the artificial womb, which has so far only been tested on fårfoster can the limit be lowered further.
One such is when human life begins, or when the fetal brain is so mature that it can become conscious of one’s body, oneself and the environment or in other words, when it becomes animated.
Before about 24 weeks of pregnancy, can’t the fetus be conscious. The nerves from the sense organs, with the exception of the sense of smell, waiting in the brain’s relay station – the thalamus – that reach the cerebral cortex, where it is considered that consciousness is mainly localized. Without it, people can not perceive neither hearing, sight, or pain, even if you can react involuntarily.
It has since developed a I and become one of us, as the renowned american brain researcher Michael Gazzaniga put it. He has been with in the White House bioetikkommitté (before Trumps time), and argues that the current abortgränsen in the united states at 24 weeks are maintained.
I believe that we can maintain our current abortgräns at less than 22 weeks, to have a certain margin of error.