Import without equal access to the European electricity exchange in the Alpiq Board of Directors President and CEO, Jens Alder, “highly risky”, as he said in an Interview with the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” on Monday. “We drive an import strategy with countries that are your in the Winter to net import. This one is on the front and back do not.”
If you drive an import strategy, it had to be in a state contract. The current agreement is blocked due to the lack of the framework agreement. “Switzerland’s security of supply is no longer guaranteed without a current agreement.” If you see the regulations of the surrounding countries, should make make no illusions. “If it is scarce, are first supplied to the private consumer and only for the electricity exported abroad.”
“The risk of Blackouts is clearly increased and will increase further in the coming years,” said Alder. If Germany had stopped all NUCLEAR and start, from the coal out, would large capacities disappear. One could well imagine that there was like two years ago, a cold Winter, that in Switzerland one or two NUCLEAR power plant were, and at the same time in France, several still. “For such constellations, we have no solution.”
construction of gas-fired power plants “uninteresting”
As a Swiss citizen, he was Worried, said Alder. As head of the Alpiq the make him, but less, because the scarcity means rising prices.
The construction of gas-fired power plants as compensation for the abolition of nuclear power, Alpiq, according to Alder currently is no interest. “Under the current regulatory regime of electricity production in Switzerland is not commercially interesting-and also gas-fired power plants. Such an adventure we don’t go.”
Alder called on the state government to make the liberalization of the energy market forward. “The Federal Council must ensure that it pays in Switzerland, to invest with private capital in production capacity for electricity.” The full opening of the market have back initiated, which took effect CVP-Minister of energy Doris Leuthard, in the autumn, was an important Element. The Federal Council needs to take them forward.
The former Swisscom-President, Jens Alder is since 2015 Chairman of the Board at Alpiq. The beginning of the year the electrical engineer also took on the operational management of the company. Alpiq produces around a fifth of domestic electricity consumption. (roy/SDA)
Created: 25.03.2019, 03:26 PM