“Bad prison guards charged after the escaping”

“Kriminalvårdaren ordered a pee break during the fångtransporten. Then ran the morddömde man. Are now being prosecuted jailer.”

“the Man was responsible for the fångtransporten that would go from a psychiatric clinic in Gothenburg to the detention centre in Örebro.”

“Outside Laxå in Örebro county was transportledaren bad – and in the unplanned kisspausen ran a morddömd man.”

“Now being prosecuted transportledaren, suspected of misconduct, reports the Nerikes Allehanda.”

“– In that he sees that this action will materialise, that the car should stop for him to urinate, he should, according to its staff regulations and rules have taken some measures. He has not done, said deputy chief prosecutor Pia Åsberg to the TT.”

“According to the prosecutor has transportledaren failing in its responsibility in a number of respects, including by jumping out of the vehicle without making sure that the door was guarded.”

“– By going 25-20 metres away and turn its back to the to defecate, he loses control completely, both of the vehicle and the clients. And then have not satisfied themselves that the other staff will keep an eye on the situation, ” says Pia Åsberg.”

“Transportledaren suspected of not having made errors on purpose in order to facilitate the [citation needed].”

” No, it is the prosecution brought for the oaktsamhetsbrott. Not that he has done it intentionally, ” says Pia Åsberg.”

“The suspect admits the facts but denies the crime. The morddömde the fugitive is still on the loose.”