beer is becoming more and more popular. While the Per capita consumption of alcohol in Switzerland is, overall, in years decreased, in the case of beer easily. The beautiful and warm weather is only one reason. Another equally important cause is the ever growing selection of Beers, makes for a rise in the popularity of the drink is.

In the past Braujahr 2018/19 (said at the end of September) growth of the total beer market by 1.0 percent to 4.74 million hectolitres, such as Marcel Kreber, the managing Director of the Swiss brewery Association at the annual media conference on Tuesday. While the domestic Breweries increased emissions by 2.3 per cent to 3.69 million hectoliters and thus market shares were able to win, declined the beer imports in the reporting period by 3.5 percent to 1.05 million hectolitres. The total market share of the domestic Breweries rose to 77.8 percent, from 76.7 percent. Overall, the brewery employs industry-directly and indirectly around 50 000 people and generates an annual turnover of more than a billion Swiss francs.

increase in the number of micro-Breweries

in 1992, there were only 32 brewers. Meanwhile, their number increased to the current level of 1’115 Breweries. In October of 2018, there were 995. The 25 in the Swiss brewery Association and United Breweries together cover more than 95 percent of all in Switzerland-brewed beer. The remainder of the approximately 1,100 small – and micro-Breweries.

As a brewery, is a person who produces more than 400 litres of beer in the year and in the market. Up to 400 litres apply as a captive. The barriers to entry are low. Everyone was allowed to brew beer, says Association President Markus Zemp. Currently, the Per-capita consumption around 55 litres in the year.

Greater range of service increases in popularity

That beer is becoming more popular, is also due to the ever-increasing diversity of new varieties. The times where there was a simple lager beer, are finally over. Overall, should be brewed in the Switzerland of between 4’000 and 5’000 different Beers, estimates Zemp in conversation with AWP. The Association’s members offer more than 300 different Beers.

about 60 percent on restaurants and 40 percent were disposed of During ten years ago in the retail sector, it is now exactly the opposite, says managing Director Kerber. This development is also in connection with the introduction of Smoking bans in public places.

Strong growth of sales of alcohol-free beer with a Plus of 7.4 percent compared to the previous year. The market share is only 3.5 per cent, which represents an increase of half a percentage point in annual comparison. “This positive development relates to both Young and Old,” says Director of Kerber.

Also Brauseminare, beer, Hiking and the use of beer sommerliers contributes to the growing popularity of the traditional beverage. Every two years, the beer sommeliers compete in competitions – Swiss and the world championship of each other. In addition, the Association has also taken up the promotion of young talent on the Flag. Currently, 35 apprentices complete the three-year training as a food technologist with a focus on beer brewing (sda/red)

Created: 26.11.2019, 21:53 PM