“get Up” is a collective movement, to the chagrin of the initiators do not Want to collect and move wants. Since scientists want to explore the Up to have it, exceptionally, easier. Of the 700 000 suitable people, whose collected data you could evaluate for a in “Nature Communications” published the study, Sahra wagenknecht dream anyway. Although the result is not revolutionary, but at least a Wake-up call. Because not to be whether someone is an early riser or morning person, it just seems – as expected – to be intended of the important Parts in the genome. Also for risks of certain diseases a new result, even if new questions posing, findings.

351 genes

The data came from 697 823 people, left to the British “UK Biobank”, and the US company “23andMe” blood or saliva samples, and questionnaires were filled in. In the latter, you should evaluate whether you are more likely to be owls, early risers or night. More than 80 000 test persons was then missed, a monitoring bracelet, in order to check whether this is true self-assessment.

The fact the great majority, resulting in the a Team of the British University of Exeter-mentioned researchers concluded that they could also take advantage of the other 600 000 believe, and whose data for analysis. The early riser Gene, however, you have not found, but rather 351. These genes are at least statistically, in connection with the early bird property. The corresponding genes, so in the case of Early – and late prior to birds in particular, different variants. You have to do, for example – not surprisingly – with the body’s own internal clock, but also with proteins in the retina of the eye. This, for example, light signals are processed from the outside, which are important for the readjustment of that inner clock. This includes health-relevant metabolic pathways, the functions of the nervous system, or proteins that have to do with the biochemical processing of nicotine or caffeine.

Association is not necessarily cause

in addition to all of the genes, the researchers are interested in the team, whether or not a specific, on older studies and observations from the foot of presumption: it’s true that early risers delight in the means of a better mental health, and also for some other frequent diseases such as Diabetes to be less vulnerable. In fact, the authors of the study, gave early risers – in the study, “morning persons” called – on average, a significantly higher level of psychological well-being. And this property had also been “genetically most strongly correlated”, i.e. the gene variants to predict.

Whether those early genes are also really a feel-good genes, not just somehow connected, but as a cause can be considered – however, it is not easy to answer. That at a concert of 351 genes are those that play in this concert, the first violins and the soloists, not to identify so Readily, is not the only reason. The chicken-and-Egg Problem plays in these so-called “genome-wide Association studies” almost always a role. Although the researchers tried, also about sleep quality and sleep duration in their analysis. Nevertheless, it is not excluded that the early birds, just come to cope better in the modern world. Because your alarm clock is ringing owls at the same time as the night-colleagues, only that these may be gone to bed later and later and therefore sleeping less.

’s guards, that’s the alarm clock?

Still, the researchers conclude, after further analysis, that the genes of the “tomorrow people” cause a lower level of schizophrenia and Depression seem to be. Suspect that night owls tended to be due to their gene variants are more likely to Diabetes and Obesity, not confirmed by the data. It is in researchers ‘ language – “a negative result”. Night owls – at least, not ring the bell to unhealthy times out of bed – can look forward to but quite about it. Or: If it’s not really the genes but the early ringing of the alarm clock that makes you sick, would necessarily have to be investigated. So write the authors of the study. It should be confirmed, it would perhaps be a reason on the reasons, collective movement “stay”.