Ranst A 9-year-old Palestinian boy was this afternoon found dead in the asielcentrum in Broechem (Ranst). Five young asylum seekers have been arrested. The Antwerp public prosecutor has an examining magistrate claimed for murder. Minister for Asylum and Migration Maggie De Block (Open Vld) reacts excited in the suspicious death.

The Palestinian boy stayed together with his 26-year-old mother in the reception centre of Fedasil (the agency responsible for the reception of asylum seekers, ed.) in Broechem (Ranst). Monday night was the boy about 22 hours since the last time seen, he drove his bike into the center around. The bike was recovered, but the boy was no trace.

The federal criminal police launched an investigation into “a worrying disappearance” and picked up yesterday a few people. It comes to Palestinian young people who are also in the asielcentrum stay. From their explanations were the detectives, however, not much wiser.