Germany is supposed to end according to the will of the government-appointed coal Commission at the latest by the end of 2038, electricity generation from coal. The 28-member Committee agreed on early Saturday morning with only one vote against, learned, such as circles and the German press-Agency Participants. In the year 2032, it should be verified whether the exit date can be brought forward in view of the situation and in agreement with the operators at the earliest in 2035. The coal countries should get 20 years for 40 billion euros from the Federal government. In addition, it is in the final report, a receipt of the competitive Hambacher Forst was “desirable”.

In the negotiations was particularly controversial, until when and in what steps the generation of Electricity from coal in Germany. To 2022, will now be a total of 12.5 gigawatts of power from the grid, of which three gigawatts of brown coal provided, more than before anyway. 2030 are to be no more than 9 gigawatts of brown coal and 8 gigawatts of coal at the power – steps that had been demanded by environmental groups, are not in concept. Together, the coal-fired power plants currently have a capacity of about 45 gigawatts. Around a third of the electricity today comes from coal-fired power plants.

households and the economy to be relieved of the burden of rising electricity prices. The Commission considers, among other things, a grant of at least two billion euros per year are necessary, as it is now in the final report, is to reduce the network charges. An additional levy or a levy for current customers.

costs for the Federal government of 40 billion

The assistance of the Federal government for the structural change in the coal countries of North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt are to be lashed in a so-called measures act. The Commission recommends that the Federal government provides for 1.3 billion euros per year over 20 years. There should be a state contract for future Federal governments binding. In addition, the Federal government should ask the countries of 0.7 billion euros per year, to hedge about 20 years, regardless of specific projects.

The government-appointed Commission on “growth, structural change and employment” can only make suggestions, the implementation is a matter of policy. The sense of the Commission was to create a broad consensus, similar to the nuclear phase-out. In the 28-member panel of representatives from industry, trade unions, environmental associations and science are represented. According to dpa-information, all members voted in favor of the compromise – to Wodtke, the uses for the site Welzow in the Opencast mines in the Lausitz. The Commission calls on the Federal government, by the end of April key points for this measures law and with the countries vote.

the Chairman of The environmental Association BUND, Hubert Weiger, said the dpa: “It is a Signal of new beginnings, we start to get serious with a dedicated entry in the phase-out of coal.” For the CONFEDERATION it was also a strong Signal that the hambach forest should be preserved. The Association was dissatisfied with the late final exit date. For refusal referred to the planned revision clause in 2035. The FEDERAL government will fight to ensure that the exit will reached much earlier.

The dispute between the energy group RWE and activists around the hambach forest had made headlines. A court has stopped the RWE brown coal open pit, scheduled, and authorities approved the clearing for the time being. Also places in the coal regions, such as the Rhine area and the Lausitz to soft for opencast mining.

trade Union: “decent result”

the head of The mining Union IG BCE, Michael Vassiliadis, spoke of an “extraordinary result”. The climate goals would be that there are “proper Structural support” for the regions. “None of the employees falls on the knee.” There is a time perspective, do not make “frantic implementation” of the Coal phase-out necessary.

The nuclear power plants in Germany by 2022 from the mains. Also, the share of Coal-generated power decreases. However, the transition to green energy must be accelerated, because Germany missed otherwise national and international climate goals. By 2050, the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the principal greenhouse gas, by 80 to 95 percent below the 1990 level. As in other sectors, for electricity instead of coal, Oil, and Gas must be placed, the generation of electricity in addition to meaning.

Greenpeace chief Executive Martin Kaiser regretted that for the period between 2022 and 2030, between the steps for the Coal phase-missing. Also the end date was not “so clear” – the environmental associations, not 2038 to see 2035 as an exit date. “Nevertheless, the climate movement is and the market will be the rules that we get out much faster,” he says. (hvw/sda)

Created: 26.01.2019, 09:30 PM